Segments live video streams based on the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol and pushes the resulting files to various locations.
- andrew867
- badwtg1111Handaer
- carsonmcdonaldCorning, NY
- carunNEC
- colleenkhenryOakland
- commshare
- ctutxdResearch
- definitelyMVP
- forestgun
- harveyblack
- hiepphamBase Enterprise
- jeezsatome
- jhcloos
- Jondalar
- kapcino
- kimwatson
- lboueFrance
- liuyang1China
- madadayo
- mioliniSentientWave Inc.
- NeoFisch
- pampanelsonLOHOSOFT
- rmorinMontréal, Quebec, Canada
- siliconlife
- soohyuncMountain View, CA, USA
- stigkj@finn-no
- Takereu
- thahitiKorea
- trung-ng@saolahq
- vbousquetSoftMotionLabs
- walkermi
- why404Qiniu
- yangmian7721ooo
- yangxt
- yolypeter
- zukuJapan