Deploying a VMC on AWS SDDC with Terraform and Python

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploying and Managing your SDDC with IaC

The scripts in this repo were built for the consumption of anyone interested in building an VMware Cloud on AWS Software Defined DataCenter (SDDC), configure NSXT and build out VMs. Then use Ansible to manage those VMs that were deployed.

This repo is a work in progress and will be continuously updated. Please check back often.

NOTE: I have removed any specific data to my setup and environment. So you will need to setup those pieces before the script will work. Please see below as to what needs to be setup for the script to work.

Terraform Setup

Folder Structure

In the demo video and the presentation you see the folder structure I setup. This is the recommended best practice from Hashicorp.

flowchart LR
    a[root folder] --> b[modules]
    b[modules] --> c[NSXT]
    b[modules] --> d[vSphere]
    b[modules] --> e[other modules]

Variable Declaration

There are 3 different ways that a variable can be declared within a Terraform script.

  1. Create a variable.tf file
  2. Set as an environment variable (export TF_VAR_variable_name)
  3. Prompt for the variable value at the time of script execution

Variable.tf file

Here is an example of a variables.tf file. This example file has all the minimum requirements to build an SDDC.

variable "sddc" {
    type = map(string)
    default = {
        "name"            = "example SDDC"
        "region"          = "us-east-1"
        "vpc_cidr"        =
        "vxlan_subnet"    =
        "public_ip_name"  = "Public_VM_IP"
        "number_of_hosts" = 1
        "instance_type"   = "i4i_metal"
        "sddc_type"       = "1NODE"
        "deployment_type" = "SingleASZ"
        "provider"        = "AWS"
variable "aws_acct" {
    default = "xxxxxxxx"

Prompt for variables

In the main.tf or any "module".tf file, you can prompt for the value of a variable by simply declaring it but not assigning a value.

variable "rtoken" {
    type = string
variable "orgid" {
    type = string

main.tf file creation

In the root of any module folder, starting with the root folder, create a main.tf file. The provider documentation will provide you with the syntax for creating required sections.

VMware VMC provider

VMware NSXT provider

Hashicorp vSphere provider NOTE: This provider is maintained by VMware.

vmc provider info

The first section of this file is the provider declaration file.

terraform {
    requried_providers {
        vmc = {
          source = "vmware/vmc"
          version = "1.13.0"

NOTE: Chech the provider site often for updates to it. Compare the latest version with the version in your scripts.

After declaring the required provider section you will define 2 different resource types, Data and Resource.

Data = gets information from the resource.
Resource = creates/updates the resource.

resource types