
Node.js SDK for the Webflow CMS API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Webflow Data API SDK


Using npm:

$ npm install webflow-api

Using yarn

$ yarn add webflow-api


The constructor takes in a few optional parameters to initialize the API client

  • token - the access token to use
  • headers - additional headers to add to the request
  • version - the version of the API you wish to use
const Webflow = require("webflow-api");

// initialize the client with the access token
const webflow = new Webflow({ token: "[ACCESS TOKEN]" });

// fully loaded
const webflow = new Webflow({
  token: "[ACCESS TOKEN]",
  version: "1.0.0",
  headers: {
    "User-Agent": "My Webflow App / 1.0",

Basic Usage

Chaining Calls

You can retrieve child resources by chaining calls on the parent object.

// get the first site
const [site] = await webflow.sites();

// get the first collection in the site
const [collection] = await site.collections();

// get the first item in the collection
const [item] = await collection.items();

// get one item from the collection
const item = await collection.items({ itemId: "[ITEM ID]" });


To paginate results, pass in the limit and offset options.

// Get the first page of results
const page1 = await collection.items({ limit: 20 });

// Get the second page of results
const page2 = await collection.items({ limit: 20, offset: 20 });

Rate Limit

Check rate limit status on each call by checking the _meta property.

// make an api call
const site = await webflow.site({ siteId: "[SITE ID]" });

// check rate limit
const { rateLimit } = site._meta; // { limit: 60, remaining: 56 }

Update Token

If you need to update the access token, you can set the token property at any time.

// token is unset
const webflow = new Webflow();

// set token
webflow.token = "[ACCESS TOKEN]";

// remove the token

Calling APIs Directly

All Webflow API endpoints can be called directly using the get, post, put, and delete methods.

// call the sites endpoint directly
const sites = await webflow.get("/sites");

// post to an endpoint directly
const result = await webflow.post("/sites/[SITE ID]/publish", {
  domains: ["hello-webflow.com"],


To implement OAuth, you'll need a Webflow App registered and a webserver running, that is publicly facing.


The first step in OAuth is to generate an authorization url to redirect the user to.

// Get the authorization url to redirect users to
const url = webflow.authorizeUrl({
  client_id: "[CLIENT ID]",
  state: "1234567890", // optional
  redirect_uri: "https://my.server.com/oauth/callback", // optional

// redirect user from your server route

Access Token

Once a user has authorized their Webflow resource(s), Webflow will redirect back to your server with a code. Use this to get an access token.

const auth = await webflow.accessToken({
  redirect_uri, // optional - required if used in the authorize step

// you now have the user's access token to make API requests with
const userWF = new Webflow({ token: auth.access_token });

// pull information for the user
const authenticatedUser = await userWF.authenticatedUser();

Revoke Token

If the user decides to disconnect from your server, you should call revoke token to remove the authorization.

const result = await webflow.revokeToken({

// ensure it went through
result.didRevoke === true;



Get all sites available or lookup by site id.

// List all sites
const sites = await webflow.sites();

// Get a single site
const site = await webflow.site({ siteId: "[SITE ID]" });


Get all collections available for a site or lookup by collection id.

// Get a site's collection from the site
const collections = await site.collections();

// Get a site's collection by passing in a site id
const collections = await webflow.collections({ siteId: "[SITE ID]" });

// Get a single collection
const collection = await webflow.collection({ collectionId: "[COLLECTION ID]" });

Collection Items

Get all collection items available for a collection or lookup by item id.

// Get the items from a collection
const items = await collection.items();

// Get a subset of items
const items = await collection.items({ limit: 10, offset: 2 });

// Get a single item
const item = await webflow.item({ collectionId: "[COLLECTION ID]", itemId: "[ITEM ID]" });

Update an Item

// Set the fields to update
const fields = {
  name: "New Name",
  _archived: false,
  _draft: false,
  slug: "new-name",

// call update
const updatedItem = await webflow.updateItem({
  collectionId: "[COLLECTION ID]",
  itemId: "[ITEM ID]",


// Get a site's users from the site
const users = await site.users();

// Get a site's users with a site id
const users = await webflow.users({
  siteId: "[SITE ID]",

// Get a single user
const user = await site.user({
  siteId: "[SITE ID]",
  userId: "[USER ID]",

// Get a site's access groups
const accessGroups = await site.accessGroups();

// Get a site's access groups with a site id
const accessGroups = await webflow.accessGroups({
  siteId: "[SITE ID]",


// get webhooks for a site
const webhooks = await site.webhooks();

// create a webhook
const webhook = await site.createWebhook({
  triggerType: "form_submission",
  url: "https://webhook.site",

Authenticated User

// pull information for the authenticated user
const authenticatedUser = await webflow.authenticatedUser();


Contributions are welcome - feel free to open an issue or pull request.


The MIT license - see LICENSE.