Cart Demo

This is a basic demo showing some of the functionality of the Cart package.

In this demo we are covering the following:

  • Adding a product to the shopping cart
  • Removing a product from the shopping cart
  • Update the item quantity
  • Apply a coupon to the shopping cart
  • Clear the shopping cart
  • Adding a product to the wishlist
  • Removing a product from the wishlist
  • Clear the wishlist
  • Usage of various conditions
  • Store the whole shopping cart on the database
  • When logging in we are syncing the shopping cart back from the database

Note: This demo is not a fully-fledged app. It's a demo, so we're not covering every possible scenario or completed every endpoint.


To install this demo, firstly you must be a subscriber of Cartalyst's Arsenal.

  1. Clone this repository by running git clone on your CLI
  2. Run composer install from your terminal
  3. Run cp .env.example .env
  4. Run php artisan key:generate
  5. Setup your database credentials on the .env file
  6. Run migrations php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Boot up your server!

Demo users

Email Password password password password