A telegram bot that recognize dresses and retrieve similar dresses
python start_fashionizer.py
Create your own conda environment to run FashionizerBOT on your workstation:
In project root:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate VIPM
- Basic implementation of the Bot picked up from dros1986/python_bot.
does all the works:- Initialize the Updater that handles the Bot functions and input messages
- Loading of the MaskRCNN Resnet18 and SVM only once when the Bot starts
- MaskRCNN (MatterPort implementation, matterport/Mask_RCNN.)
- Segmentation to identify ROI and classify them as ['clothes', 'no clothes']
- Resnet18 finetuning
- Resnet18 features + SVM (Kernel = 'rbf', C = 1000, gamma = 1*e-3)
- BoW Features + SVM
- KDTree from neural features
- KDTree from BOW features
- Segmentation : MaskRCNN
- Classification : Resnet18 neural features + SVM
- Retrieval : Resnet18 neural features + KdTree
For any questions or doubt do not hesitate to contact us :
- Costantino Carta (c.carta4@campus.unimib.it)
- Hamza Amrani (h.amrani@campus.unimib.it)