- 3
Problems with **
#13 opened by roytu - 0
printf instance for BigFloat
#30 opened by cdupont - 0
- 1
- 1
toRational for CReal?
#28 opened by arrowd - 1
Prec500 is defined but not exported
#19 opened by lambda-11235 - 0
Approximate Equality?
#26 opened by EarthCitizen - 6
BigFloat doesn't have a Read instance
#25 opened by snap9 - 2
Questionable Eq and Ord instances for CReal
#17 opened by expipiplus1 - 3
Totally abstract numbers
#20 opened by dmcclean - 0
Add `IsString` instance for `Sym a`?
#18 opened by Gabriella439 - 0
Symbolic definition of pi is wrong
#16 opened by augustss - 0
Edit readme to reflect new maintainer
#12 opened by DanBurton - 1
typo "maintianer" -> "maintainer" on README
#11 opened by Silex - 0
why isn't FixedFunction module exported?
#8 opened by cartazio - 0
Typo in CReal.hs
#3 opened by pthariensflame - 0
- 0
- 0
Add test cases for adjustments made
#9 opened by DanBurton