
Takes a list of keywords and generates Markdown articles according to your config using the OpenAI API. Also optionally generates a meta description and cover image using DALL·E 3.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SEO Tools

it's just one tool right now

Generate Blog Post tool

This tool takes a list of keywords and generates Markdown articles according to your config using the OpenAI API. Also optionally generates a meta description and cover image using DALL·E 3

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm i
  3. mv .env.example .env and enter your OpenAI API key
  4. Edit config.mjs to change config
  5. Create keywords.txt and fill it with keywords you want to generate articles for. One keyword per line
  6. node generateBlogPosts.mjs
  7. Check your specified output path (default blog/)

Why did you make this

I initially made this for personal use, then extracted it to this repo and cleaned it up a bit with the intention of selling it but I doubt enough people will find value in it so it's open source for now. Provides essentially the same functionality as tryjournalist.com, zimmwriter, etc which all cost $500+ per year but this is free.


  • Struggles to generate long articles (max about 2k words)
  • Only supports Markdown format
  • Not really tested