
Star Schema Benchmark using the Hive / Druid Integration

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Star Schema Benchmark using the Hive / Druid Integration

Pre-requisites to running this:

  • Functional Druid cluster.
  • A version of Hive that supports the Druid Storage Handler. This includes Apache Hive version 2.2 or later, or Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 2.6 or later.
  • Apache Maven and gcc, for the data generator.

Before continuing, identify these things:

  • Your desired data scale, in gigabytes. For example, a scale of 1000 equals about a TB of data
  • Your HiveServer2 host:port
  • The Druid overlord host
  • The username and password for your Druid metadata database


  • Build the data generator (native code)
  • Package the data generator in a JAR file capable of being run as a MapReduce job to generate data within a Hadoop cluster
  • Run a MapReduce job to generate "CSV" data within HDFS
  • Run a Hive job to convert this "CSV" data into Hive tables
  • Run a Hive job to push pre-aggregated data into Druid. This step may require you to create additional HDFS directories and set permissions if you're not using HDP.

If all goes well, you only run 3 commands:

  1. sh 00datagen.sh [scale] [hiveserver2:port]
  2. sh 00load.sh [scale] [hiveserver2:port] [overlord] [username] [password]
  3. sh 00run.sh [hiveserver2:port]

Example to run at scale 100:

sh 00datagen.sh 100 hive.example.com:10500
sh 00load.sh 100 hive.example.com:10500 druid.example.com druid password
sh 00run.sh hive.example.com:10500