
Observing live data from Zephyr

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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This is a prototype of a telemetry server for a solar car, capable of displaying a simplified dashboard on a phone or a more complete dashboard on a laptop or tablet.

At minimum you'll want -fake, -serial, or -can_addr as a data source. Setting -sqlite to a filename is needed if you want to read the data later.

Installation from source (recommended)

  1. Install the most recent version of go from http://golang.org/doc/install.
  2. Make sure you have git. You'll also need gcc (installed by default in OSX and many Linux distros, tested on Windows with TDM-GCC)
  3. In a terminal or command prompt, create your $GOPATH with export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode. For Windows, run set GOPATH=%USERPROFILE%\gocode. It's a good idea to add this as a permanent environmental variable (Google this to figure out how).
  4. Run go get -u -v github.com/calsol/teleserver to fetch all the code and compile it into a binary. Both the binary and the source code are installed at GOPATH. You'll need to run this command whenever you want to pull updates for the program.
  5. Run the binary ($GOPATH/bin/teleserver -fake on Linux/OSX, %GOPATH%/bin/teleserver -fake on Windows). For getting data from the car, use the -serial flag with the appropriate port instead of the -fake flag.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:8080.


  • -port: Port for the webserver. Default is 8080.
  • -serial: Port for the serial uart connection. Most often something like /dev/tty.* for Linux/OSX and something like COM12 for Windows.
  • -baud: Baud rate for the serial port. Default is 115200.
  • -canusb: Treat the serial port as a CANUSB dongle
  • -can_addr: Port for SocketCAN.
  • -fake: Ignore ports, serve fake data.
  • -sqlite: Create a sqlite3 database at this location. Default creates a temporary database that only lasts as long as the server.
  • -alsologto: In addition to logging general messages to stdout, log them to this file. Default is to only log to stdout.
  • -use_embedded: Serve the files generated by go-bindata instead of directly from /public. This allows the binary to be standalone. Default is false.


  • /api/latest?canid=1536&canid=1537 will give you the latest values for messages with ids 1536 and 1536 (0x600 and 0x601 in hex)
  • /api/graphs?canid=1536&field=ArrayVoltage&time=3m will give you a graph in flot format for the ArrayVoltage field of messages with a canid of 0x600 in the last 3 minutes. Using multiple can ids or multiple fields will give the intersection of everything that matches.


  • Documentation for most of the functionality: GoDoc

  • CAN Documentation: GoDoc

  • Embedded Files Documentation: GoDoc

After changing any files in the /public directory, be sure to run go-bindata -o embedded/assets.go -ignore \\.bower\.json -ignore bower_components/marked -ignore \demos -ignore \core-tests -ignore bower_components/highlightjs -nomemcopy -pkg embedded public/.... This will update the resources embedded in the the binary.

To install go-bindata, run go get github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...