Item Catalog Project 4


Project four of the Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree, Item Catalog. The application is a simple RESTful CRUD application using the flask framework

Some things you might need

Getting Started

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  • Clone the Vagrantfile from the Udacity Repo
  • Clone this repo into the project_4 directory found in the Vagrant directory
  • Run vagrant up to run the virtual machine, then vagrant ssh to login to the VM
  • from the main directory run sudo pip install -r requirements
  • run with python
  • run application with python from within its directory
  • go to http://localhost:5000/categories to access the application
  • *if first time running, you must add a category before adding an item

JSON Endpoints

/api/v1/catalog.json - Returns JSON of all items in catalog

/api/v1/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/JSON - Returns JSON of selected item in catalog

/api/v1/categories/JSON - Returns JSON of all categories in catalog

REST Endpoints


/ or /categories - Returns catalog page with all categories and recently added items

/categories/new - Allows user to create new category

/categories/<int:category_id>/edit/ - Allows user to edit an existing category

/categories/<int:category_id>/delete/ - Allows user to delete an existing category

CRUD for catalog items

/categories/<int:category_id>/ or /categories/<int:category_id>/items/ - returns items in category

/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/ - returns category item

/categories/item/new - Allows user to create a new item

/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/edit - Allows user to edit an item

/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/delete - Allows user to delete an item


/login - login page