
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This sample project demonstrates the usage of the pryLogger library for event logging and error handling in a C# application. The application makes REST API calls and configures email notifications in case of errors.


  • Connection Database: Ensure you have an database set up with a valid connection string, in this case is with Oracle

Usage Example

using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

using pryLogger.src.Rest;
using pryLogger.src.Rest.Xml;
using pryLogger.src.Log.Attributes;
using pryLogger.src.Log.Strategies;

using pryLogger.src.ErrorNotifier.MailNotifier;

public class Program
    public static void onException(Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine($"catchException : {ex.Message}");

    static void level1([LogRename("customParam")] string test = "lala land")
        //var dt = ConnectionManager.Instance.GetConnection<OracleConnection>().SelectQuery("select query. ...");
        throw new Exception();

    static void level2()
        string url = "url";
        var body = new { };
        var res = RestClient.Fetch<object>(new RestRequest(url)
            Method = "POST",
            Content = Soap.CreateXmlRequest("urlRequest", null, body, Declarations.UTF8),
            ContentType = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8",
        }, rest =>
            object result = Soap.FromXmlResponse("response", rest.Content);
            return result;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string connectionString = "database connection string";
        string mailConnectionString = "host=mailhost; port=1234; from=cari@test.com; to=anothermail; repo=gitrepository.git";

