
Store kubernetes user container logs into MongoDB

Primary LanguageRuby

Kubernetes Aggregated Logging

Aggregates kubernetes container logs into MongoDB.

Shamelessly based on https://github.com/openshift/origin-aggregated-logging

| Pod           |
|+------------+ |        +---------+
|| Container1 |---Log--->|         |
|+------------+ |        |         |         +---------+
|               |        | Fluentd |-------->| MongoDB |
|+------------+ |        |         |         +---------+
|| Container2 |---Log--->|         |
|+------------+ |        +---------+

Each node of the cluster runs a Fluentd instance to collect container logs and send to a remote MongoDB. Fluentd runs from a DaemontSet so it can spread throughout the cluster.

Installing on Kubernetes

Create namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace kube-logging
namespace "kube-logging" created


$ kubectl -n kube-logging create -f templates/kubernetes-aggregated-logging.yaml
serviceaccount "logging-fluentd" created
daemonset "logging-fluentd" created
service "logging-fluentd-mongodb" created
persistentvolumeclaim "logging-fluentd-mongodb-data" created
deployment "logging-fluentd-mongodb" created

After a few moments you can connect to mongodb and list collected logs:

$ kubectl -n kube-logging get pods
NAME                                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
logging-fluentd-f6jdj                      1/1       Running   0          12m
logging-fluentd-mongodb-2536737460-6w8nh   1/1       Running   4          12m
logging-fluentd-r53nd                      1/1       Running   0          12m

$ kubectl -n kube-logging exec -it logging-fluentd-mongodb-2536737460-6w8nh sh


> db.logs.find().pretty()

Installing on Openshift

Create namespace:

$ oc create namespace kube-logging


Give privileged permissions for service account to mount local node directories into fluentd container:

# oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:kube-logging:logging-fluentd

$ oc process -f templates/openshift-aggregated-logging.yaml | oc -n kube-logging create -f -
serviceaccount "logging-fluentd" created
daemonset "logging-fluentd" created
service "logging-fluentd-mongodb" created
persistentvolumeclaim "logging-fluentd-mongodb-data" created
deployment "logging-fluentd-mongodb" created

After a few moments you can connect to mongodb and list collected logs:

oc rsh -n kube-logging $(oc get pods -n kube-logging -l name=logging-fluentd-mongodb -o name)


> db.logs.find().pretty()

Collecting logs from a set of nodes

By default DaemonSets create pods on all nodes of the cluster (except those marked as NotReady and/or SchedulingDisabled). It's pretty common to have a separated set of nodes for infrastructure (logging, metrics, router, etc) and another for "hard work". If that is your case, and you want to collect logs only from "worker" containers, edit the DaemonSet template and add a nodeSelector with proper labels.

For example, given following cluster:

$ lukbectl get nodes --show-labels
NAME     STATUS                        AGE      LABELS
infra0   Ready                         43d      role=infra,zone=us-east1a
infra1   Ready                         43d      role=infra,zone=us-east1b
master0  Ready,SchedulingDisabled      43d      role=master,zone=us-east1a
node0    NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   43d      role=worker,zone=us-east1a     <--- collect only from `role=worker`
node1    NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   43d      role=worker,zone=us-east1b     <---
node2    NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   43d      role=worker,zone=us-east1a     <---
node3    NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   43d      role=worker,zone=us-east1b     <---

In order to collect logs only from nodes with label role=worker, edit the DaemonSet (or the template prior to deploy) to add the nodeSelector:

$ kubectl edit ds/logging-fluentd

Insert into spec.template.spec the following:

  role: "worker"

Using external MongoDB

To use an external or already existing MongoDB instance, all you need to do is point the service to another endpoint. Please refer to openshift documentation for more details.

The same is valid for both kubernetes and openshift services.


Deployment fails for MongoDB

Check if Deployment object has the correct apiVersion for your kubernetes release.

For kubernetes < 1.6 edit templates/kubernetes-aggregated-logging.yaml and set apiVersion=extensions/v1beta1 of object Deployment.

For openshift < 3.6 edit templates/openshift-aggregated-logging.yaml and set apiVersion=extensions/v1beta1 of object Deployment

MongoDB can't start

Case mongodb fails to start with errors below, check if PVC has sufficient access permissions

ERROR: Couldn't write into /var/lib/mongodb/data
CAUSE: current user doesn't have permissions for writing to /var/lib/mongodb/data directory
DETAILS: current user id = 184, user groups: 995 0
stat: failed to get security context of '/var/lib/mongodb/data': No data available
DETAILS: directory permissions: drwxr-xr-x owned by 0:0, SELinux: ?

On Azure, all it needs is to change permissions directly on the attached disk root:

node# chmod 777 /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/azure-disk/mounts/b39784728


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