
OpenShift quickstart for Minecraft Server

Primary LanguageShell

This is a OpenSHift quickstart to run a Minecraft Server. It was based on this blog post.

Creating the app

First you need to create a DIY application using this repo as source code:

$ rhc app-create minecraft diy-0.1 --from-code=git://github.com/caruccio/openshift-minecraft-quickstart.git

In order to access your server, first create a port-forward from your local machine to you remote server:

$ rhc port-forward minecraft
Checking available ports ... done
Forwarding ports ...

To connect to a service running on OpenShift, use the Local address

Service Local                OpenShift
------- --------------- ---- ---------
java  =>  *:25565

Press CTRL-C to terminate port forwarding

Note: If you are running Windows, the easiest way to install rhc is using this binary installer.

Now you need only to configure your minecraft client to connect to local IP:PORT ( on this example).