
Terraform Module for deploying an AKS cluster

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Deploys a Kubernetes cluster on AKS with optional monitoring through Azure Log Analytics

This Terraform module deploys a Kubernetes cluster on Azure using AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and adds support for monitoring with Log Analytics.

-> NOTE: If you have not assigned client_id or client_secret, A SystemAssigned identity will be created.

Example usage in Terraform 1.0.0+

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
  name     = "aks-resource-group"
  location = "eastus"

module "network" {
  source              = "Azure/network/azurerm"
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name
  address_space       = ""
  subnet_prefixes     = [""]
  subnet_names        = ["subnet1"]
  depends_on          = [azurerm_resource_group.example]

data "azuread_group" "aks_cluster_admins" {
  name = "AKS-cluster-admins"

module "aks" {
  source                       = "Azure/aks/azurerm"
  prefix                       = "prefix-${random_id.prefix.hex}"
  resource_group_name          = azurerm_resource_group.example.name
  vnet_subnet_id               = module.network.vnet_subnets[0]
  sku_tier                     = "Paid"
  enable_auto_scaling          = true
  min_count                    = 1
  max_count                    = 2
  node_count                   = 1
  max_pods                     = 110
  depends_on                   = [module.network]

  node_labels = {
    "node1" = "label1"

  node_tags = {
    "tag1" = "Tag1"

output "module_aks_kube_config_raw" {
  value     = module.aks[*].kube_config_raw
  sensitive = true

The module supports some outputs that may be used to configure a kubernetes provider after deploying an AKS cluster.

provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = module.aks.host
  client_certificate     = base64decode(module.aks.kube_config.client_certificate)
  client_key             = base64decode(module.aks.kube_config.client_key)
  cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.aks.kube_config.cluster_ca_certificate)



We provide 2 ways to build, run and test the module on a local development machine. Native (Mac/Linux) or Docker.

Native (Mac/Linux)


Environment setup

We provide simple script to quickly set up module development environment:

$ curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/terramodtest/master/tool/env_setup.sh | sudo bash

Run test

Then simply run it in local shell:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/{directory_name}/
$ bundle install

# set service principal
$ export ARM_CLIENT_ID="service-principal-client-id"
$ export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="service-principal-client-secret"
$ export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="subscription-id"
$ export ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant-id"
$ export ARM_TEST_LOCATION="eastus"
$ export ARM_TEST_LOCATION_ALT="eastus2"
$ export ARM_TEST_LOCATION_ALT2="westus"

# set aks variables
$ export TF_VAR_client_id="service-principal-client-id"
$ export TF_VAR_client_secret="service-principal-client-secret"

# run test
$ rake build
$ rake full


We provide a Dockerfile to build a new image based FROM the mcr.microsoft.com/terraform-test Docker hub image which adds additional tools / packages specific for this module (see Custom Image section). Alternatively use only the microsoft/terraform-test Docker hub image by using these instructions.


Custom Image

This builds the custom image:


This runs the build and unit tests:

$ docker run --rm azure-aks /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake build"

This runs the end to end tests:

$ docker run --rm azure-aks /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake e2e"

This runs the full tests:

$ docker run --rm azure-aks /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake full"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
azurerm >= 3.0.0, < 4.0.0
tls >= 3.3.0, < 4.0.0


Name Version
azurerm >= 3.0.0, < 4.0.0
tls >= 3.3.0, < 4.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main resource
azurerm_log_analytics_solution.main resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.main resource
azurerm_role_assignment.azure_container_registry resource
tls_private_key.main resource
azurerm_resource_group.main data source


Name Description Type Default Required
resource_group_name (Required) The resource group name to be used for the AKS deployment. string n/a yes
admin_username (Optional) The username of the local administrator to be created on the AKS deployment. string "azureadmin" no
allowed_maintenance_windows (Optional) List of allowed Maintenance Windows for AKS.
day = string
hours = list(number)
"day": "Saturday",
"hours": [
"day": "Sunday",
"hours": [
azure_container_registry_enabled (Optional) Should the AKS deployment access a Container Registry? bool false no
azure_container_registry_id (Optional) The ID of the Container Registry. string null no
azure_policy_enabled (Optional) Should the Azure Policy Add-On be enabled? For more details please visit Understand Azure Policy for Azure Kubernetes Service bool false no
client_id (Optional) The Client ID (appId) for the Service Principal used for the AKS deployment. string null no
client_secret (Optional) The Client Secret (password) for the Service Principal used for the AKS deployment. string null no
cluster_name (Optional) The name for the AKS deployment. This variable overwrites the 'prefix' variable. string null no
default_node_pool_name (Optional) The name which should be used for the default Kubernetes Node Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "default" no
dns_prefix (Optional) The DNS prefix for the AKS deployment. This is used to create a unique FQDN for the cluster when it is created. string null no
dns_service_ip (Optional) IP address within the Kubernetes service address range that will be used by cluster service discovery (kube-dns). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
docker_bridge_cidr (Optional) IP address (in CIDR notation) used as the Docker bridge IP address on nodes. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
enable_auto_scaling (Optional) Should the Kubernetes Auto Scaler be enabled for this Node Pool? Defaults to false. bool false no
enable_host_encryption (Optional) Enable Host Encryption for default Node Pool. Encryption at host feature must be enabled on the subscription: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/linux/disks-enable-host-based-encryption-cli bool false no
enable_node_public_ip (Optional) Should nodes in this Node Pool have a Public IP Address? Defaults to false. bool false no
enable_role_based_access_control (Optional) Enables Role Based Access Control. bool false no
http_application_routing_enabled (Optional) Should HTTP Application Routing be enabled? bool false no
identity_ids (Optional) Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Kubernetes Cluster. This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned. list(string) null no
identity_type (Optional) Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both). string "SystemAssigned" no
ingress_application_gateway_enabled (Optional) Integrates Application Gateway Ingress Controller to this Kubernetes Cluster. Requires an existing Application Gateway. bool false no
ingress_application_gateway_id (Optional) The ID of the Application Gateway to integrate as Application Gateway Ingress Controller of this Kubernetes Cluster. string null no
ingress_application_gateway_name (Optional) The name of the Application Gateway to be used or created in the Node Pool Resource Group, which in turn will be integrated with the ingress controller of this Kubernetes Cluster. string null no
ingress_application_gateway_subnet_cidr (Optional) The subnet CIDR to be used to create an Application Gateway, which in turn will be integrated with the ingress controller of this Kubernetes Cluster. string null no
ingress_application_gateway_subnet_id (Optional) The ID of the subnet on which to create an Application Gateway, which in turn will be integrated with the ingress controller of this Kubernetes Cluster. string null no
key_vault_secrets_provider (Optional) A key_vault_secrets_provider block. For more details, please visit Azure Keyvault Secrets Provider for AKS.
secret_rotation_enabled = bool
secret_rotation_interval = string
"secret_rotation_enabled": true,
"secret_rotation_interval": "2m"
key_vault_secrets_provider_enabled (Optional) Enables the Key Vault Secret provider. bool false no
kubernetes_version (Optional) Specify which Kubernetes release to use. The default used is the latest Kubernetes version available in the region. string null no
log_analytics_solution_enabled (Optional) Enables the Log Analytics Solution for monitoring the Log Analytics Workspace. bool false no
log_analytics_workspace_enabled (Optional) Enable the creation of a Log Analytics Workspace. bool true no
log_analytics_workspace_name (Optional) If enabled, the name of the Log Analytics Workspace. string null no
log_analytics_workspace_sku (Optional) The SKU (pricing level) of the Log Analytics workspace. For new subscriptions the SKU should be set to PerGB2018. string "PerGB2018" no
log_retention_in_days (Optional) The retention period in days for logging in the Log Analytics Workspace. number 30 no
max_count (Optional) The maximum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. number null no
max_pods (Optional) The maximum number of pods that can run on each agent. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. number 110 no
min_count (Optional) The minimum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. number null no
network_plugin (Optional) Network plugin to use for networking. Currently supported values are azure and kubenet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "azure" no
network_policy (Optional) Sets up network policy to be used with Azure CNI. Network policy allows us to control the traffic flow between pods. Currently supported values are 'calico' and 'azure'. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
node_count (Optional) The number of nodes that should exist in the default Node Pool. This value is ignored when auto-scaling is enabled. number 2 no
node_labels (Optional) A map of Kubernetes labels which should be applied to nodes in the Default Node Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. map(string) {} no
node_resource_group (Optional) The name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Nodes should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
node_tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the Node Pool. map(string) {} no
node_taints (Optional) A mapping of taints to assign to the Node Pool. list(string) [] no
not_allowed_maintenance_windows (Optional) The start and end of a time span, formatted as an RFC3339 (2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) string.
start = string
end = string
[] no
orchestrator_version (Optional) Specify which Kubernetes release to use for the orchestration layer. The default used is the latest Kubernetes version available in the region string null no
os_disk_size_gb (Optional) The size of the OS Disk which should be used for each agent in the Node Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. number null no
os_disk_type (Optional) The type of disk which should be used for the Operating System. Possible values are Ephemeral and Managed. Defaults to Managed. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
os_sku (Optional) SKU to be used to specify Linux OS. Not applicable to Windows. Possible values include: Ubuntu, CBLMariner. Defaults to Ubuntu. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. number null no
outbound_type (Optional) The outbound (egress) routing method which should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are loadBalancer and userDefinedRouting. Defaults to loadBalancer. string "loadBalancer" no
pod_cidr (Optional) The CIDR to use for pod IP addresses. This field can only be set when network_plugin is set to kubenet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
prefix (Optional) The prefix for the resources created in the specified Azure Resource Group. string null no
private_cluster_enabled (Optional) Should this Kubernetes Cluster have its API server only exposed on internal IP addresses? This provides a Private IP Address for the Kubernetes API on the Virtual Network where the Kubernetes Cluster is located. Defaults to false. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. bool false no
private_dns_zone_id (Optional) Either the ID of Private DNS Zone which should be delegated to this Cluster, System to have AKS manage this or None. In case of None you will need to bring your own DNS server and set up resolving, otherwise cluster will have issues after provisioning. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
public_ssh_key (Optional) A custom SSH key to control access to the AKS deployment. string null no
rbac_aad_admin_group_object_ids (Optional) List of Object IDs that are granted admin access. list(string) null no
rbac_aad_client_app_id (Optional) The Client ID of an Azure Active Directory Application. string null no
rbac_aad_managed (Optional) If set to true, Azure will create/manage a Service Principal used for integration. bool true no
rbac_aad_server_app_id (Optional) The Application ID of an Azure Active Directory Application. string null no
rbac_aad_server_app_secret (Optional) The Application Secret of an Azure Active Directory Application. string null no
service_cidr (Optional) The Network Range used by the Kubernetes service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
service_principal_enabled (Optional) Should the Azure Policy Add-On be enabled? For more details please visit Understand Azure Policy for Azure Kubernetes Service bool false no
sku_tier The SKU Tier that should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are 'Free' and 'Paid'. string "Free" no
tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. map(string) {} no
type (Optional) The type of Node Pool which should be created. Possible values are AvailabilitySet and VirtualMachineScaleSets. Defaults to VirtualMachineScaleSets. string "VirtualMachineScaleSets" no
vm_size (Optional) The size of the Virtual Machine, such as Standard_DS2_v2. The Microsoft-recommended default size for AKS nodes. string "Standard_DS2_v2" no
vnet_subnet_id (Optional) The ID of a Subnet where the Kubernetes Node Pool should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
zones (Optional) Specifies a list of Availability Zones in which this Kubernetes Cluster should be located. Changing this forces a new Kubernetes Cluster to be created. list(number)


Name Description
aks_id The Kubernetes Managed Cluster ID.
http_application_routing_zone_name The Zone Name of the HTTP Application Routing.
identity The Principal and Tenant IDs associated with this Managed Service Identity.
kube_admin_config Map of credentials to authenticate to Kubernetes as an administrator.
kube_admin_config_raw Raw Kubernetes config for the admin account to be used by kubectl and other compatible tools. This is only available when Role Based Access Control with Azure Active Directory is enabled and local accounts enabled.
kube_config Map of credentials to authenticate to Kubernetes as a user.
kube_config_raw Raw Kubernetes config to be used by kubectl and other compatible tools.
kubelet_identity The Client, Object and User Assigned Identity IDs of the Managed Identity to be assigned to the Kubelets.
location The location where the Managed Kubernetes Cluster is created.
log_analytics_workspace_id The Log Analytics Workspace ID.
node_resource_group The name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Nodes should exist.
private_key Private key data in PEM (RFC 1421) and OpenSSH PEM (RFC 4716) format.
public_key Public key data in PEM (RFC 1421) and Authorized Keys format.


Originally created by Damien Caro and Malte Lantin




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