
China A-share analysis tool written in go. This repository has been migrated to

Primary LanguageGo


China A-share analysis tool written in go

Highlight Features

Overall Design

  • a web data retriever to fetch data from public sources
  • a mapper to store in database (MySQL)
  • methods and functions apply on offline data for regression


golang version >= 1.13.6





# have go-lang installed, (v1.13.6)
# have latest git installed (v2.24)

# this might take few minutes
cd %GOPATH%\src\github.com\carusyte\stock
go get ...

# known issue https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/issues/3312
cd %GOPATH%\src\google.golang.org\grpc
git revert 336cf8d       

cd %GOPATH%\src\github.com\carusyte\stock
go install


  1. Before running the program, copy the stock.sample.toml config file template to $GOPATH/bin, and rename to stock.toml.

  2. Customize/Localize the 'stock.toml' file accordingly.

  3. If you have your executable search path environment variable properly set, you should be able to run the following command directly. This command will list out all sub-commands and its usage.

    stock help
  4. You might need carustye/roprox to run in parallel in order to fetch publicly available proxy servers.

  5. To start fetching A-share market data:

    stock get

there are still some config parse problem, instruction required


can't find package xx at 'go get'

re-fetch via 'go get -u', or direclty remove correspoding package folder and run it again

go get -u golang.org/x/text