

Hi 👋, I'm Luis Carvalho, my friends call me Luigi


  • 🔭 I’m currently working on my own projects related to LCP (Luigi Carvalho Projects).

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning React, ASP Net Core, Angular, Blazor and C#.

  • 💬 Ask me about Your career? My career is web programmer, engineer, technician and specialist of IT since 2015.

  • 📫 How to reach me luiscarvalho239@gmail.com

📫 My Contacts and Social Networks

Luigi Carvalho Gmail (Primary Email) Luigi Carvalho Gmail (Secondary Email) Luigi Carvalho Github Luigi Carvalho Stack Overflow Luigi Carvalho Reddit Luigi Carvalho Discord (LCPTech)

🧰 Languages and Tools

android angular azure babel bash bootstrap chartjs codeigniter couchdb csharp css3 dart django docker dotnet electron express figma firebase flutter gcp git graphql gulp html5 hugo jasmine java javascript jekyll jest karma kotlin linux mariadb materialize mocha mongodb mssql mysql nativescript nestjs nextjs nginx nodejs nuxtjs oracle php postman pug python react reactnative redux sass sqlite symfony tailwind typescript vuejs vuetify webpack xamarin

🧰 Learning new tools / languages in future


🎵 What i'm listening to?


🏆 My stats




Total time coded since Jul 14 2022