
An adapted Lix game to expose game data and receive level suggestions based on player's performance. Originally, Lix is an action-puzzle game, single- and networked multiplayer, inspired by Lemmings

Primary LanguageC++

AdaptiveLix is a fork of the game Lix [https://github.com/SimonN/Lix].

## About AdaptiveLix

This fork is part of a PhD project on Serious Games. You can read more about this and other related work at http://mairacarvalho.com.

## How to run AdaptiveLix

- Download the release
- Edit file data/netevents_config.txt:
    - If you don't know a username and password, use the default.
    - If you want to try the game in offline mode, change the variable "offline_mode" to "true".
- Run the file bin/winlix.exe (in Windows) or binlin/lix (in Linux).

## Useful documentation:

- doc/readme.txt  - the main readme file, usage tips, contact information
- doc/copying.txt - the public domain dedication and fallback license

## Customizing the game:

- doc/files.txt   - file and bitmap format descriptions
- doc/objdef.txt  - how to further customize self-made in-game objects
- doc/oldterr.txt - how to extend the game with Lemmings content
- doc/transl.txt  - how to translate the user interface to your language

## Miscellaneous information:

- doc/history.txt - version history
- doc/lixd.txt    - how to run a dedicated Lix server with lixd
- doc/techfaq.txt - some older troubleshooting tips

## How to build from source
- doc/build/*.txt - how to compile and run the game on Linux or Windows