Pinned issues
- 6
- 1
to support --allow-change-package-name (or similar) in the kctrl pacakge installed update command
#1651 opened by luwangVMW - 2
- 13
- 0
- 2
- 1
Incorrect URL for kapp controller install instruction
#1604 opened by rashedkvm - 1
Update Go version in kapp-controller to 1.22.5 and align with Kubernetes 1.31.0
#1617 opened by yashsingh74 - 2
- 2
Support managed identities to pull image bundle from remote private docker repository
#1572 opened by leonard520 - 5
- 0
`kctrl`: default version flag to ">= 0.0.0" for installations
#1587 opened by 100mik - 6
Optional ability to check if client has permissions to perform CRUD actions before trying them
#1381 opened by ncdc - 2
Cannot use downward API in `PackageBuild`
#1523 opened by mamachanko - 4
kapp deploy command failed due to "lstat /etc/kappctrl-mem-tmp/kapp-controller-fetch-template-deploy262513077/config: no such file or directory"
#1583 opened by troll-warlord - 0
Fix error handling in kctrl package release command
#1552 opened by goshkis - 1
Support `lookup` functions in the helm template calls
#1558 opened by voor - 0
Use vanity urls to change the go module name
#1378 opened by praveenrewar - 3
- 1
Panics when building w/ Go 1.22.x
#1521 opened by mamachanko - 1
Cannot set nested value path via downward API
#1520 opened by mamachanko - 0
Update copyright headers
#1503 opened by praveenrewar - 5
MetaPackage capability
#1434 opened by alexbarbato - 0
- 1
Could CRDAppFactory be made an interface?
#1494 opened by jorgemoralespou - 2
Seeking clarification on PackageInstall values.
#1461 opened by MAHDTech - 1
- 0
- 14
Support image pull cache for App CR to archieve 'imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent'
#1411 opened by jessehu - 0
Set seccompProfile to ensure that deployment is successful on PSA enforced cluster.
#1466 opened by rohitagg2020 - 0
`kctrl` hangs when deleting package repository
#1468 opened by rcmadhankumar - 0
`kctrl`: Helm array values with an empty default should still get an `items` field in their OpenAPI schema
#1464 opened by gcapizzi - 0
`kctrl`: values with an empty object default in Helm get the string `"{}"` as a default in OpenAPI
#1448 opened by gcapizzi - 9
53: server misbehaving
#1437 opened by tiansiyuan - 3
Support exposing the status of individual resources applied on cluster
#1412 opened by varshaprasad96 - 3
Support Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) registry+v1 bundles
#1369 opened by ncdc - 2
Cannot release repository with build metadata
#1409 opened by mamachanko - 2
- 3
Make kapp controller extensible
#1413 opened by varshaprasad96 - 0
kctrl kubernetesVersionSelection constraint
#1431 opened by imusmanmalik - 2
- 0
Make bits of kctrl more configurable
#1425 opened by 100mik - 2
- 2
kapp-controller should look up addition imagePullSecrets from the ServiceAccount performing installation of the Package
#1370 opened by dprotaso - 1
- 0
Ensure noop delete due to terminating namespaces takes into account that a namespace might have been terminated already
#1403 opened by 100mik - 0
Unblock app deletion by falling back to noop when safe
#1392 opened by 100mik - 3
- 1
`kctrl package install … --dry-run --ytt-overlay-file …` does not stamp out overlays
#1389 opened by mamachanko - 1
Incorrect docs on the "Community OSS Repos" page
#1375 opened by asaikali