
Small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar. Demo and more:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is slimScroll?

slimScroll is a small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar - similar to the one Facebook and Google started using in their products recently. slimScroll doesn't occupy any visual space as it only appears on a user initiated mouse-over. User can drag the scrollbar or use mouse-wheel to change the scroll value.


Demo and documentation available here: jQuery slimScroll docs


<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jquery.slimscroll.min.js"></script>

// Hook document ready event
    // Initialise slimScroll
        height: '250px'

###Default Options

Options Default Type Description
allowPageScroll false boolean check if mousewheel should scroll the window if we reach top/bottom
alwaysVisible false boolean enables always-on mode for the scrollbar
animate false boolean sets animation status on a given scroll
barClass 'slimScrollBar' string defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll bar
barClassH 'slimScrollBarHor' string defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll bar (horizontal)
barFixSize 0 number fixed bar height/width (set size in pixels
borderRadius '7px' string[pixel] sets border radius
color '#000' string[hex code] scrollbar color, accepts any hex/color value
cursor 'normal' string cursor for for the scroll bar
disableFadeOut false boolean check if we should hide the scrollbar when user is hovering over
distance '1px' string[pixel] distance in pixels between the side edge and the scrollbar
height '250px' string[pixel] height in pixels of the visible scroll area
horizontal false boolean enable scroll horizontal
opacity 0.4 number sets scrollbar opacity
position 'right' string scrollbar position - left/right
railBorderRadius '7px' string[pixel] sets border radius of the rail
railClass 'slimScrollRail' string defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll rail
railClassH 'slimScrollRailHor' string defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll rail (horizontal)
railColor '#333' string[pixel] sets rail color
railDraggable true boolean whether we should use jQuery UI Draggable to enable bar dragging
railOpacity 0.2 number sets rail opacity
railVisible false boolean sets visibility of the rail
size '7px' string[pixel] width in pixels of the scrollbar and rail
start 'top' string default scroll position on load - top / bottom / $('selector')
touchScrollStep 200 number scroll amount applied when user is using gestures
wheelStep 20 number scroll amount applied to each mouse wheel step
width 'auto' `number string`
wrapperClass 'slimScrollDiv' string defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll wrapper
zIndex 90 number z-index for the scroll bar


    width          : '300px',
    height         : '500px',
    size           : '10px',
    position       : 'left',
    color          : '#ffcc00',
    alwaysVisible  : true,
    distance       : '20px',
    start          : $('#child_image_element'),
    railVisible    : true,
    railColor      : '#222',
    railOpacity    : 0.3,
    wheelStep      : 10,
    allowPageScroll: false,
    disableFadeOut : false


  • slimscroll

When the scrollbar reaches top or bottom of the parent container, slimscroll will trigger the slimscroll event. Use jQuery bind to capture this event:

$(selector).slimScroll().bind('slimscroll', function(e, pos){
    console.log("Reached " + pos);
  • slimscrolling

When scrolling within slimscroll, the slimscrolling event is triggered. Use jQuery bind to capture this event:

$(selector).slimScroll().bind('slimscrolling', function(e, msg){

Note: The slimscrolling event will be triggered no matter if the div has actually been able to move.

###Public Calls

  • scrollTo

Jumps to the specified scroll value. Can be called on any element with slimScroll already enabled.

    scrollTo: '50px' 
  • scrollBy

Increases/decreases current scroll value by specified amount (positive or negative). Can be called on any element with slimScroll already enabled.

    scrollBy: '60px' 

Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Rochala (http://rocha.la)
Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.