
Habit Tracker by NLW's Rocketseat.

Primary LanguageCSS



Project from the explorer track at the NLW-SETUP event, organized by Rocketseat.

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Figma

What I have learned


  • The class selector is repeatable and has a lower specificity than id;
  • Html and svg are "children" of xml;
  • The purpose of svg is to create images from text;
  • Putting the svg code on a page called "assets" and replacing the svg with an img element makes the html more organized;
  • Remove margin and padding in the universal selector, as well as leaving box-sizing as border-box;
  • Customize the button element and give it a transparent background by using the background-color property as transparent;
  • The space between two elements is called "gap", when the display is flex;
  • The border-radius property works on an input defined as checkbox when the appearance and -webkit-appearance properties are set to "none";
  • Use the "input:checked" pseudo-selector to change the appearance of the button when it is checked;
  • The habit emojis and the days are in a generic box called "form";


  • To include JavaScript in the html file you need to add, before closing the "body", the element "script";
  • Values or contents are assigned to variables, such as "const" and "if";
  • The information can be presented as text, numbers, booleans (logical values: true or false) or more structured data (functions, objects);
  • Some existing functionalities are "querySelector", "setData", "load", "addEventListener", "alert", "parse";
  • Events like "addEventListener" trigger some function like "add" or "save;
  • Slice functionality works on string objects;
  • Use "JSON.stringfy ( )" to transform an object into text;
  • Use "JSON.parse ( )" To transform a text into an object;
  • Use the function toLocaleDateString('en-us') to transform a date from en-en (English) to en-us (Brazilian Portuguese);
  • If the day already exists, it triggers an alert informing that it already exists. If not, another alert informs that it was added successfully;
  • If you try to access the habits through another browser, a new localStorage will be formed;

