Programmer's Shift Keys

Programmer's Shift Keys takes your Shift keys, which are useless when pressed by themselves, and makes them great by turning individual strokes into: (), [], or {}!

The original idea for this came from an article by Steve Losh where he remapped his Shift keys to (). I've expanded on this idea by pairing modifier keys with Shift to give [] and {}.

This project aims to make this available for multiple operating systems and, ideally, will someday come with some way to install and configure Programmer's Shift Keys. Until then, read the instructions in this file for your particular situation.




After installing Karabiner, the process for using Programmer's shift keys is relatively easy.

  1. Open the KarabinerPreferences application.
  2. Click the Misc & Uninstall pane.
  3. Click the button Open private.xml. This will open the file's location in Finder.
  4. If you are already using custom settings in private.xml, copy the <item> blocks of the layout you're using into the file. Otherwise, you can simply replace the entire file's contents with one of the layout files in this repository.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Back in KarabinerPreferences, go back to the first pane, Change Key, and click Reload XML.
  7. At the top of the list you should now see Programmer's Shift Keys. Expand that list and enable the features you'd like to use.