
Disable non-code syntax match in literate haskell

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the document section of literate haskell file, it looks like this:
I don't know if this is a real issue, but what can I do if I don't want those non-code words being colored?

Right now *.lhs files are associated with Haskell, but we don't have any special handling in the lexer/parser for this. See #356.

I see that there's a LaTeX plugin. I haven't used it, but I wonder if it might help with this, allowing for language injection in the code blocks.

Alternatively, you could disable syntax highlighting altogether by going to Preferences > Editor > File Types > Haskell and removing *.lhs, but that might be worse for you.

Closing as this is a duplicate of #356. If you'd like, let's continue the discussion there.

Thank you for your help. I found a solution for this:
Using Textmate Bundle plugin: