
A library provides an easy way to show skeleton loading view like Facebook and Alipay

Primary LanguageKotlin


GitHub license
The library provides an easy way to show skeleton loading view like Facebook and Alipay. It now uses a memory optimised version of shimmer animation so it is even faster and you can animate bigger layouts as well.


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  • Light
  • Noninvasive, you don't need to make changes to existing code.
  • Wide applicability,it is available for all views
  • Memory optimised

Getting started

In your build.gradle:

dependencies {
       implementation 'com.ethanhua:skeleton:1.1.2'


For RecyclerView:

skeletonScreen = Skeleton.bind(recyclerView)

 For View:

skeletonScreen = Skeleton.bind(rootView)

More Config:

.shimmer(true)      // whether show shimmer animation.                      default is true
.count(10)          // the recycler view item count.                        default is 10
.color(color)       // the shimmer color.                                   default is #a2878787
.angle(20)          // the shimmer angle.                                   default is 20;
.duration(1000)     // the shimmer animation duration.                      default is 1000;
.frozen(false)      // whether frozen recyclerView during skeleton showing  default is true; 

when data return you can call the method to hide skeleton loading view


