-------- Pomodoro -------- Pomodoro is an antiprocrastination application that helps in Getting Things Done. It is a simple but effective way to manage your time and to boost your productivity to higher levels. Can be used for programming, studying, writing, cooking or simply concentrating on something important. You can find more informations on the Pomodoro Technique on http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/ Updates, source code, new releases, manual and fixes on http://pomodoro.ugolandini.com ---------- Developers ---------- Project lead: Ugo Landini Active Developers: Ugo Landini, Pascal Bihler Retired Developers: ------- License ------- This code is released under BSD license (see License.txt for details) and contains other OSS BSD licensed code: Growl framework: http://growl.info/ BGHud Appkit: http://code.google.com/p/bghudappkit/ This software contains Waffle Software licensed code: Shortcut Recorder: http://wafflesoftware.net/shortcut/ Matt Gemmell licensed code: MGTwitterEngine: http://svn.cocoasourcecode.com/MGTwitterEngine/ Sound samples come from http://www.freesound.org and are licensed under Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0/ -------------- Building notes -------------- 1) Remove Code signing identity if present (should not, but sometimes I push it back) Xcode 4.3+ (tips from @sashalaundy): 1) Product > Edit Scheme 2) At top set Scheme to "Pomodoro" and Destination to "My Mac __-bit" 3) On left select Archive 4) Type in Archive Name "Pomodoro" 5) Hit OK 6) Product > Archive - Xcode builds and then opens Organizer with archive selected 7) Hit Distribute 8) Choose Export as "Application" Xcode 4: 1) Build a copy for archiving: Product menu -> Build for -> Build for Archiving 2) Open the organizer: Window menu -> Organizer 3) Create a copy of the application: Hit the Share button in the Organizer 4) Choose "Application" from the drop-down menu, and then save it to your Applications folder. Xcode 3: (not actively maintained) 1) Should work, but I don't maintain it anymore. ------- Twitter ------- If you want to use Twitter integration, you must have a consumerKey and a secretKey for oAuth/xAuth authentication. You must obtain the secrets from twitter site and then add them in src/TwitterSecrets.h #define _consumerkey @"your key" #define _secretkey @"your other key" If you are not interested in Twitter, just don't activate the twitter integration. ------------------------------ Thanks, in no particular order ------------------------------ Everaldo for the gorgeous new icons Pedro Murillo Michael Bedward Dieter Vermandere Paul Schmidt Sina Samangooei <sinjax@gmail.com> for debugging (and fixing!) Alexander Klimetschek Konrad Mitchell Lawson Stefano Linguerri for the initial graphic design Giulio Cesare Solaroli for the old icons Luca Ceppelli Roberto Turchetti Sergio Bossa Andrew Rimmer Timothy Davis Simone Gentilini Francesco Mondora Michele Mondora Andy Palmer Brandon Murray Valiev Omar Alexander Willner C.Kuehne R.Altimari P.Bihler