
A repository storing as submodules the dependencies and a build script for VRJugglua on RHEL6

Primary LanguageShell


This stores (via submodules) the various dependencies for VR-Jugglua.

It also includes a build script that will compile the entire system. Current testing has been on VRAC RHEL6 only.

Make sure to clone with the recursive flag:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/vancegroup/vrjugglua-rhel6-build.git

C6 Specific Notes

Mappings for wand:

  • VJButton0 - yellow button
  • VJButton1 - red button
  • VJButton2 - green button
  • VJButton3 - blue button
  • VJButton4 - joystick press
  • VJButton5 - trigger

Launching applications:

The 'cluster' script that was used before is deprecated. We now have a newer script called, 'launcher-rhel6' that is located in /home/vr/apps/launcher/ but symbolically linked to /usr/local/bin/launcher.

It is a self-contained shell script that can automatically perform the appropriate ssh connections to all nodes in the C6. Make sure you are using the FULL PATH to your launcher script, relative paths will not work.

launcher -c6 <name_and_path_of_binary>

For example:

launcher -c6 /home/vr/apps/vancegroup/software/launcher.sh

To kill the app, run:

launcher -c6 -k <name_and_path_of_binary>

For example:

launcher -c6 -k NavTestbed

You can also access the help menu that has important scripts such as rebooting the entire cluster or restarting graphics (for troubleshooting) by running:

launcher --help

On the C6 cluster, the application is replicated and runs separately on each machine. Therefore, it's important to make sure the application is killed on all the machines when you're done. Just closing it on the main computer node (zion.vrac.iastate.edu) is NOT enough.

I usually open a separate terminal tab and then SSH into a random machine and then run top to make sure the application is not running. You can look in the .jconf file for the machine names. They're named according to the position on the screen, so for example:

ssh top6

This logs you into zion-46.vrac.iastate.edu.

If you don't do this and you leave an application running accross the cluster, it would slow down other apps so make sure it's killed!

JCONF files as provided by VRAC are in the following location:


To start the Intersense wand and head tracking units, make sure your application is not running.

  • For the wand, hold the left and right (red/blue) buttons until the green light turns on.
  • For the head tracking unit, hold the button on the unit until the green light turns on.

Make sure to plug the wand and head tracking unit back into the base-station when you're done so the next person has fully charged hardware.