PhaserJS Jump start

My template for jumpstarting game prototypes using Phaser. Noone needs a complex build script for prototypes ;)


You do not need to get the repository, just use the commands below to get a working copy:

1: Get a clear copy without .git:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=master dirformynewrepo && rm -rf !$/.git

Make sure you use --depth=1 to get only the latest files and not the whole repository!

2: Now use this Perl one liner to rename your project:

perl -pi -w -e 's/RENAME_ME/MYAWESOMENAME/g;' states/*.js index.html

Have fun.

And thanks to for such an amazing HTML5 Game engine!


V1.1 - Updated to Phaser 2.4.4 "Amador"

V1.0 - Initial release: based on Phaser 2.4.3

Contact my via Twitter: @casarock