
:deciduous_tree: Low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors

Primary LanguageVim Script

"  _____             _ ___ ___ ___      "
" |   __|___ ___ _ _| |_  |  _|  _|     "
" |__   | -_| . | | | |  _|_  | . |     "
" |_____|___|___|___|_|___|___|___|.vim "

seoul256.vim travis-ci

seoul256.vim is a low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors. Works on 256-color terminal or on GVim.



seoul256 (light version)



Use your favorite plugin manager.

  • vim-plug
    1. Add Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' to .vimrc
    2. Run :PlugInstall

Color schemes

" Unified color scheme (default: dark)
colo seoul256

" Light color scheme
colo seoul256-light

" Switch
set background=dark
set background=light

Change background color


" seoul256 (dark):
"   Range:   233 (darkest) ~ 239 (lightest)
"   Default: 237
let g:seoul256_background = 236
colo seoul256

" seoul256 (light):
"   Range:   252 (darkest) ~ 256 (lightest)
"   Default: 253
let g:seoul256_background = 256
colo seoul256

If g:seoul256_background is set, seoul256 will choose the right version based on the value and set background=dark/light will not switch versions.

If you'd like to switch versions with custom background colors, set g:seoul256_background to be a dark value, and additionally define g:seoul256_light_background for seoul256-light.

let g:seoul256_background = 233
let g:seoul256_light_background = 256

colo seoul256
colo seoul256-light

Current background color

When loaded, soul256.vim will set up two global variables so that you can use them to customize other plugins:

  • g:seoul256_current_fg - Current foreground color in ANSI code
  • g:seoul256_current_bg - Current background color in ANSI code

iTerm2 color scheme

Emacs color theme


Junegunn Choi
