
This app is intended as an example to aid on the migration from Deploy Hooks to App Webhooks

Primary LanguageRuby

Webhooks to deployhooks adapter

This app is intended as an example to aid on the migration from Deploy Hooks to App Webhooks.

It receives a Webhook release message, generates a message similar to the one Deploy Hooks HTTP Hook made and calls an endpoint with that payload.

Feel free to fork this repo and customize it to your needs.



Click on the deploy button and provide the requested config vars.


This app uses 3 config vars


This is the URL where you currently receive Deploy Hooks notifications. It will be called on every release of your app.


You can provide this value when you create a new Webhook. Every message Webhooks send will have this value on the Authorization header

If you don't provide this value the Authorization header will be ignored and all messages will be accepted.

Refer to App Webhooks' shared authorization documentation for more info


This value is provided to you when you first set up a Webhook. It will be used to sign every message Webhooks send.

If you don't provide this value the digest header will be ignored and all messages will be accepted.

Refer to App Webhooks' shared secret documentation for more info