Synthetic US NE/Mid-Atlantic 25,000-bus power system model


Synthetic US NE/Mid-Atlantic 25,000-bus power system model.

This is an entirely synthetic 25,000 bus case, geographically situated
in US Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. The case is designed with a 765,
500, 345, 230, 161, 138, 115, 100 and 69 kV transmission network to serve
a load that roughly mimics the actual population of its geographic
footprint. The synthetic transmission system was designed by algorithms
described in [1] to be statistically similar to actual transmission
system models but without modeling any actual lines.

When publishing results based on this data, please cite:

[1] A.B. Birchfield, T. Xu, K.M. Gegner, K.S. Shetye, T.J. Overbye,
    "Grid Structural Characteristics as Validation Criteria for
    Synthetic Networks," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
    vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 3258-3265, July 2017.
    doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2616385

This is a synthetic power system model that does not represent the
actual grid. It was developed as part of the US ARPA-E GRID DATA
research project and contains no CEII.

One-line diagrams and other data formats available at:

February 14, 2018