
Advent of Code 2017 in Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

Advent of Code 2017 solutions


Create .env file with contents:


Where AOC_SESSION is the session cookie (to be found in request headers for e.g. puzzle input page when logged into the AoC account).

YEAR is optional -- if not specified, current year will be used.

All input should go to common directory input/, each day having a format dayNN.

Clojure (via babashka)

Configuration is stored in bb.edn.

To install dependencies, just run bb command.

To see available tasks, run bb tasks.

$ bb tasks
The following tasks are available:

template   create template for solution [day and year default to current]
fetch      get input for given day [requires session token stored in `.env` file ; args default to today]
boot       fetch input data and create template for given date
solve      run solution for given day [day defaults to today]


Day Clojure
1 [x]
2 [x]
3 [x]
4 [x]
5 [x]
6 [x]
7 [x]
8 [x]
9 [x]
10 [x]
11 [x]
12 [x]
13 [x]
14 [x]
15 [x]
16 [x]
17 [x]
18 [x]
19 [x]