:art: Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
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React 18 typescript problem
#855 opened by vocko - 2
Allow us to set width for the color picker
#949 opened by Nefcanto - 3
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HuePicker2: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.
#948 opened by BlackRam-oss - 5
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Common js error while working in remix js
#947 opened by ArnabChatterjee20k - 3
The defaultProps in function components will be removed in a future version of React.
#940 opened by soyeon9211 - 1
Do you need maintainers?
#928 opened by wub - 10
Is this project abandoned? How can we help? :)
#849 opened by patrickhulce - 2
Remove defaultProps for react 18
#903 opened by elvinzhu - 0
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ChromePicker alpha background
#877 opened by pittleCheung - 0
Make Unit Testing Easier
#900 opened by harleyharl - 0
Chrome Picker with Swatch
#899 opened by sdraper69 - 5
The issue I'm encountering with the React-Color color picker is that I'm unable to slide and select colors. What could be the reason for this?
#891 opened by yrjwcharm - 3
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Color picker closing automatically on clicking
#895 opened by Parth909 - 2
Warning: Chrome: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.
#894 opened by hasib-devs - 6
Checkboard: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components
#888 opened by lolouthefox - 3
Add None or transparent option
#884 opened by AishwaryaMurade - 3
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a cool online photoshop with javascript
#890 opened by geeeeeeeek - 3
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Flikering issue in slider Hue component
#885 opened by Heet-Mistry - 2
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Type 'CSSProperties' is not assignable to type 'Partial<SketchPickerStylesProps>'
#880 opened by JarvisArt - 0
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Saturation component changes hue
#876 opened by byTimo - 1
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disabling hex color input auto complete ( #rgb )
#872 opened by tonymfer - 0
The link to reactcss in the Readme file is broaken
#869 opened by kave-me - 1
License for dependency
#854 opened by snaemi - 1
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Color selection doesn't work with React 18
#864 opened by bruceharrison1984 - 1
How change the size to the parent container?
#862 opened by kobe651jp - 1
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请问下我如何使用以下组件, 我在npm安装之后,但是发现没有这些包的导出
#858 opened by haijee - 0
Implementing SlidePicker
#859 opened by JeanPaulAri - 1
How to add checkIcon into selected CirclePicker
#850 opened by jexsoon1117 - 0
Recommendation for using React-Color with Formik
#856 opened by k-wolf-dev - 0
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BUG: Prop `id` did not match. Server: "rc-editable-input-17" Client: "rc-editable-input-2" (on CompactPicker)
#851 opened by chenasraf