
A Ruby wrapper for the ClickTime SOAP API

Primary LanguageRuby


A Ruby wrapper for the ClickTime SOAP API


ruby-clicktime uses Savon, so be sure to install that first:

$ gem install savon


require 'clicktime'

clicktime = ClickTime.new :key => 'your-api-key', :password => 'your-api-password'

The ClickTime class has two methods:

ClickTime#actions will return a list of all actions available to the ClickTime SOAP API

clicktime.actions  # un_sync_all, get_sync_id, set_sync_id, get_employment_types, ... 

ClickTime#exec will execute an API call and return a hash of results

clicktime.exec :api_action, {params}


First, create an instance of the ClickTime class:

require 'clicktime'

clicktime = ClickTime.new :key => 'your-api-key', :password => 'your-api-password'

The GetEmployeeList and GetClientList API methods, as defined in the ClickTime API docs:

<GetEmployeeList xmlns="http://clicktime.com/webservices/2.2/">

<GetClientList xmlns="http://clicktime.com/webservices/2.2/">

To execute these queries, you would call the following:

employees = clicktime.exec :get_employee_list, {"UserID" => 'your-user-id', "ActiveOnly" => 'true'}
clients = clicktime.exec :get_client_list, {"UserID" => 'your-user-id'}

Notice the action is passed as a snake_case symbol from the list of available actions. (clicktime.actions to list them)

ClickTime SOAP API Documentation:
