STC Mailman Roster Sync Tool

This app syncs a roster of STs with a set of mailman lists, based on college and queue.



  1. Create a roster.csv file with the columns
  2. Yale Email
  3. Queue
  4. Save roster.csv in the same folder as the script roster.rb

Running the Script

Once you have your data loaded in a properly formatted csv, run:

bundle install
bundle exec ruby roster.rb

Syncing with Mailman

Once the script has run, copy over the files created (command list and studtech-*) to the mailman server.


  1. scp -r mailman_roster/
  2. ssh
  3. Confirm lists: cat mailman_roster/studtech-st-bk
  4. chmod +x mailman_roster/command_list
  5. mailman_roster/command_list