- 2
Compatible with React.StrictMode?
#249 opened by martijnvanderwoud - 0
REQUEST OnRenderingComponent ?
#251 opened by STU-DESIGNER - 1
Infinite loop of the 'componentDidUpdate' method (caused by an infinite state update).
#250 opened by Gianarci - 1
Switch away from string refs?
#248 opened by narthur - 1
Is there a way to reinitialise the list?
#206 opened by anasanzari - 0
getVisibleRange not binded to react-list
#247 opened by stepan662 - 0
Render glitches when scrolling down
#246 opened by vincentsartoko - 0
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object. You likely forg
#245 opened by vladopandzic - 0
- 4
- 1
Your site is not found
#242 opened by donghoon-song - 2
type="simple" does not work when axis is x
#209 opened by stephenhmarsh - 1
Example page doesn't work
#241 opened by abadrangui - 2
- 6
null is not an object (evaluating 'el.parentElement')
#194 opened by NeXTs - 1
Support dive on shallow rendered component
#225 opened by iamogbz - 1
- 1
getVisibleRange function return incorrect value after scrollTo(index) if set Zoom In/Out
#236 opened by LiuChang56 - 0
Is it possible to show 2 items per view?
#235 opened by sudhindrapai - 4
Incorrect calculation of the container height in the case of dynamic rendering of table rows
#218 opened by Zveroboev - 0
- 2
- 1
How can I show a custom spinner while loading a new chunk of items to display through AJAX?
#230 opened by tonix-tuft - 0
- 2
componentDidMount is not called for an item component
#224 opened by Yasnuy - 1
Make view stable when resizing
#229 opened by greggman - 3
Strict mode compatibility
#227 opened by byronanderson - 2
Issues under Edge
#207 opened by tzvetelin-vassilev - 3
getVisibleRange not firing on horizontal list
#222 opened by jerninvien - 0
Have two items and problem height
#220 opened by Kittinutz - 4
Components crashing after upgrading to React 16.5
#219 opened by kamthamc - 0
interest in a "getFractionalVisibleRange" method:
#217 opened by tnrich - 0
usage inside svg?
#216 opened by tnrich - 0
publish es6 module to npm
#213 opened by ekoeryanto - 4
All items are rendered at once
#191 opened by elisei-timofte - 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
Gemini-Scrollbar with React-List?
#205 opened by greggman - 1
How to get the index when scroll the mouse?
#203 opened by bfang711 - 0
Is that possible to dynamically refresh/update the rendered items as mouse scroll?
#204 opened by bfang711 - 0
Clarification: scrollTo simple type.
#202 opened by shariqislam786 - 0
Testing with Enzyme
#199 opened by mir3z - 2
Documentation for using component methods
#195 opened by imanbee - 0
Performance issues with images
#193 opened by cdtinney - 0
Keyboard Scrolling and Tabbing
#189 opened by nbozard - 1
React 16 support
#188 opened by martin-svk - 5
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
#186 opened by psamim - 0
- 0
Type definition of react-list
#183 opened by buptyyf