- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#177 opened by renovate - 1
- 1
Flaky tests after migration to GitHubAction
#349 opened by Onvistlex - 2
expectNoEvents() does not account for terminal events
#348 opened by saket - 4
version 1.1.0 breaking dependencies
#313 opened by davexhardware - 0
Testing Shared flows with lambda functions
#327 opened by AliRashadPM - 29
Virtual time can't actually be controlled
#268 opened by mightyguava - 1
- 1
Unconsumed events found: - Item(True) Unconsumed events found: - Item(True)
#307 opened by amirshahzadES - 3
Detected use of different schedulers - How to Resolve?
#301 opened by Egi10 - 1
Error checking the state
#297 opened by DeepuGeorgeJacob - 2
- 4
`test {...}` doesn't fail when using `Dispatchers.setMain()` when there are unconsumed events
#292 opened by lukaszkalnik - 7
javadocs are empy
#280 opened by StefMa - 4
- 0
Should assertCallingContextIsNotSuspended() only check the last stack trace element?
#271 opened by saket - 2
- 4
Testing flows combined from other flows is difficult
#246 opened by cbruegg - 3
testIn(backgroundScope) example not throwing exception for unconsumed event
#234 opened by jonathanpun - 0
Cancellation exception handling lacks clarity
#250 opened by jingibus - 1
`test` and `testIn` do not behave consistently
#247 opened by Antimonit - 0
`ChannelTurbine` uses unstable APIs via `@OptIn`
#132 opened by JakeWharton - 1
More descriptive name for `turbine { }`
#243 opened by JakeWharton - 11
- 1
Turbine not found on gradle's default maven central url (
#230 opened by dsyang - 2
List dependency updates in (0.13.0) changelog(s)
#228 opened by G00fY2 - 0
Latest version seems to be built with Java 14
#213 opened by barry-irvine - 2
TimeoutCancellationException is not catched
#208 opened by jeantuffier - 1
expectNoEvents eats exceptions thrown by flows
#205 opened by matejdro - 2
`StateFlow` created with `.stateIn` tests differently than `MutableStateFlow` backing variable
#204 opened by tommyjackson - 1
0.11.0 Timeout enhancement can make tests flaky
#199 opened by trevjonez - 0
- 0
- 8
How can I test back-pressure?
#157 opened by caiofaustino - 4
- 0
- 1
- 2
Behavior Change: runTest + testing Flow with infinite loop causes advanceUntilIdle() to hang
#155 opened by mhernand40 - 4
JS legacy support
#133 opened by whyoleg - 1
An example on the documentation doesn't work
#127 opened by NinoDLC - 5
Does not cooperate well with runTest
#124 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 5
Regression: Testing MutableSharedFlow(extraBufferCapacity = 1) + flatMapLatest + tryEmit results in awaitItem() timeout
#148 opened by mhernand40 - 2
Different behaviour of `expectNoEvents()` method between versions `0.8.0` and `0.9.0` when testing `MutableStateFlow`
#138 opened by pawelostafin - 0
- 6
- 2
- 1
Hot Flow not triggering awaitItem()
#135 opened by Adamshick012 - 3
Issue with `awaitItem()`, `StateFlow` and 0.9.0 version
#134 opened by owolp - 5
- 2