
Python class definition for objects that can generate certificates from a list of names (file formats: .xlsx .csv .tsv .json)

Primary LanguagePython


Python class definition for objects that can generate certificates from a list of names (file formats: .xlsx .csv .tsv .json)

Certificate class

Create a certificate object with fields that provide information such as:
  • the templateFile (certificate img) to be used
  • name to be written on template
  • filename to be saved
  • fontfile to use & fontsize
  • vertical coordinate to place the name on the template
With methods:
  • generate(destination=defaultsToCurrentDirectory) - generates certificate and saves (destination defaults to current dir)
  • openImg(appPath=pathnameForAppToUse) - opens generated certificate (appPath defaults to mspaint.exe)
  • closeImg()
from certificate_gen import Certificate
certificate = Certificate('src/certificate_template_1.png', 'Draco Malfoy') # create a Certificate object
print(certificate.templateFile) # access certificate template filename
print(certificate.name) # name
print(certificate.filename) # processed name for saving file
print(certificate.fontFile, certificate.fontSize)
print(certificate.vPosCoordinate) # vertical alignment for positioning name into template
print(certificate.fields) # view fields on certificate object
certificate.generate() # generate certificate file and save
certificate.openImg() # open generated certificate file

Certificates class

Create a certificates object with fields that provide information such as:
  • the templateFile (certificate img) to be used
  • the namesFile (names list - in .xlsx/ .csv/ .tsv/ .json) to be used
  • file_has_header (if names list has header)
  • filenames, filepaths
With methods:
  • generate(destination=defaultsToCurrentDirectory) - generates certificate and saves (destination defaults to current dir)
  • openImgs(appPath=pathnameForAppToUse) - opens all generated certificate (appPath defaults to mspaint.exe)
  • closeImgs() - closes all generated certificate
from certificate_gen import Certificates
certificates = Certificates('src/certificate_template_1.png', 'src/names_1.xlsx')  # create a Certificates object
certificates.generate() # generate all certificates and save
certificates.openImgs() # open all certificates
from time import sleep
certificates.closeImgs() # close all certificates