
Setting up dev environment on M1

This tutorial will be primarily targeted at the WDC 65xxCELER8R Series of engineering boards, and future subsequent homebrew derivations of this board.

Setting up EasySXB

EasySXB has a dependency on the FLTK C++ library found here https://github.com/fltk/fltk.

git clone git@github.com:relistan/EasySXB.git
cd EasySXB

curl -o FLTK-release-1.3.8.tar.gz https://codeload.github.com/fltk/fltk/tar.gz/refs/tags/release-1.3.8
tar -zxvf FLTK-release-1.3.8.tar.gz
mv fltk-release-1.3.8 fltk-1.3.8

Edit the EasySXB make file and update the version of fltk to 1.3.7, as this version works on Apple Silicone/M1 processors. This needs to be done through out the file as the version is not paramertised.

Note this strange sed format is required on OSX

homebrew install autoconf
sed -i '' -e "s/fltk-1.3.3/fltk-1.3.8/g" Makefile 

In the EasySXB directory run make against the fltk target.

make fltk

you should see

FLTK libs built!

now run the make.

chmod +x easysxb

you should now have an easysxb file that can be executed


The running program looks like this.