
Helm chart to install Photoprism

Primary LanguageSmarty

Photoprism Helm Chart

Helm chart to install PhotoPrism.

PhotoPrism is a server-based application for browsing, organizing, and sharing your personal photo collection.


helm repo add p80n https://p80n.github.io/photoprism-helm/
helm install p80n/photoprism --set persistence=false


This chart deploys PhotoPrism to your Kubernetes cluster. It's mostly based off the docker-compose file available at PhotoPrism's GitHub repository.

Kubernetes is great for running PhotoPrism since there are a lot of k8s tools available to enhance the experience:

  • Cert Manager makes it easy to put PhotoPrism behind SSL
  • Ingress makes it easy to expose PhotoPrism with actual URLs
  • If your reverse proxy supports it, you can add authentication (e.g., basic auth) to provide a bit of lockdown.
  • Running a database as a separate service helps with maintenance. Instead of figuring out what PhotoPrism database files need to be backed up, you just backup your MySQL database as you always would.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install p80n/photoprism --name my-release --namespace photoprism -f values.yaml


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Photoprism chart and their default values. It's worth noting that PhotoPrism is under very active development, so expect the configuration to change.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image repository photoprism/photoprism
image.tag Image tag 20190703
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
debug Enable verbose logging true
persistence.enabled Enable persistent storage true
persistence.cachePath Path to image cache /assets/cache
persistence.importPath Path to imported images /assets/photos/import
persistence.exportPath Path to exported images /assets/photos/exports
persistence.originalsPath Path to pre-existing photos /assets/photos/originals
persistence.volumeMounts VolumeMounts for Photoprism See values.yaml
persistence.volumes Volumes for Photoprism nil
persistence.volumeClaimTemplates VolumeClaimTemplate for Photoprism See values.yaml
service.type Photoprism service type ClusterIP
service.port HTTP to expose service 80
ingress.enabled Enable ingress rules false
ingress.annotations Annotations for ingress {}
ingress.hosts Hosts and paths to respond See values.yaml
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
resources.requests.memory Indexing photos requires a bit of memory 2Gi
database.driver mysql or internal are supported internal
database.name Remote database name nil
database.user Remote database user nil
database.password Remote database password nil
database.host Remote database host nil
database.port Remote database port nil

For setting nested values, it's generally easiest to just specify a YAML file that with the correct values:

$ helm install p80n/photoprism-helm --name my-release -f values.yaml

You can specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install, but for nested values, it's complicated. For example:

$ helm install p80n/photoprism-helm --name my-release \
    --set=image.tag=latest \
    --set=volumes[0].name=originals --set=volumes[0].nfs.server=my.nfs.server --set=volumes[0].nfs.path=/path


It's important to configure persistent storage (e.g., NFS) for any sort of real-world usage. I've been running PhotoPrism using two NFS shares: one for PhotoPrism's thumbnails cache, and one pointing to where I store my original images in Lightroom (read-only). This has been working well for me; keeping PhotoPrism assets separate keeps my Lightroom workspace uncluttered less cluttered.

If you don't enable persistence, you can still take PhotoPrism for a spin; you'll just have to start from scratch if the pod dies or gets scheduled on a different node.


PhotoPrism can be run without any external dependencies. If no remote database is provided, PhotoPrism will run TiDB internally. However, you'll still want to make sure that the database files are stored on persistent storage. See values.yaml for the path to TiDB's files.

Alternately, if you prefer to run the database separately, you can point PhotoPrism at your remote instance. MySQL and TiDB are both supported and are fairly equivalent on performance. In my experience, indexing photos is faster with MySQL, possibly due to faster write performance.

Note: Even if your remote database is TiDB, you still specify mysql for the driver.

Accessing PhotoPrism

The default values will only expose PhotoPrism inside your cluster on port 80. Some options for accessing PhotoPrism from outside your cluster:

Need Help?

If you have questions about this Helm chart, or have trouble getting it deployed to your cluster, feel free to open an issue.

If you have issues with PhotoPrism itself, you may want to head over to their issues page.