Traefik with SSL Certificate in a Docker Swarm

Install Docker Swarm by following my guide.

Create a network for Traefik, config and secrets for storing the Traefik configuration, certificate and key on the Docker Swarm manager node before applying the configuration.

Create a network for Traefik using the command:

docker network create -d overlay traefik-network

Create a secret for storing the certificate using the command:

docker secret create wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.crt /path/to/wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.crt

Create a secret for storing the key using the command:

docker secret create wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.key /path/to/wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.key

Create a config for storing the Traefik configuration using the command:

docker config create traefik-dynamic-configuration.yml /path/to/traefik-dynamic-configuration.yml

Example of traefik-dynamic-configuration.yml:

    - certFile: /run/secrets/wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.crt
      keyFile: /run/secrets/wildcard-heyvaldemar-net.key

Deploy Traefik in a Docker Swarm using the command:

docker stack deploy -c traefik-ssl-certificate-docker-swarm.yml traefik


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