
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Wainaina Kasyoka


This is a project created using Django, it is an instgram clone that is used to upload photos and users can like comment and follow other users.

User Stories :

The user will be able to:

  1. Sign in to the application to start using.
  2. Upload my pictures to the application.
  3. See their profile with all my pictures.
  4. Follow other users and see their pictures on their timeline.
  5. Like a picture and leave a comment on it.

Software used:

  1. HTML and CSS
  2. Python
  3. Django
  4. Postgres
  5. Heroku for deployment

Set up and Installation


  1. Python3.8
  2. git
  3. Django
  4. Cloudinary
  5. Bootstrap4


  1. To access this application on your command line, you need to clone it git clone https://github.com/casio-ka/insta
  2. Create a requirements.txt in the root folder and copy the requirements above.
  3. Install the required technologies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a .env file and fill in the information from above
  5. You can then run the server with: python3.8 manage.py runserver
  6. You can make changes to the db with python3.8 manage.py makemigrations $(app) python3.8 manage.py migrate

Django Admin

Username: wainaina Password:<see_me>

Known Bugs

None at all

Live link

You can view the live site here


This project is under the MIT licence

Copyright (c) 2020 wainaina kasyoka