
NodeM: A Node.js binding to the GT.M language and database

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A Node.js binding to the GT.M language and database

Version 0.2.1 - 2013 May 7

Copyright and License

Addon Module written and maintained by David Wicksell dlw@linux.com
Copyright © 2012,2013 Fourth Watch Software, LC

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


Nodem is experimental, and not yet ready for production. It is a work in progress, and as such, its implementation is likely to change a lot.

Summary and Info

Nodem is an Open Source Addon module for Node.js that integrates Node.js with the GT.M database, providing access to GT.M's database from Javascript, via GT.M's C Call-in Interface. From Node.js you can perform the basic primitive Global Database handling operations and also invoke GT.M/Mumps functions. Although designed exclusively for use with GT.M, Nodem aims to be API-compatible with the in-process Node.js interface for Globals and Caché, at least for the APIs that have been implemented in Nodem. As such, please refer to the Caché Node.js API documentation for further details on how to use those APIs.


There are a few things to be aware of in order to use the Nodem addon. You will need to have GT.M installed and configured correctly, including setting up your environment with the required GT.M environment variables. You will also need to have Node.js installed and working.

These instructions assume that the nodem repository has been installed in your home directory. The paths will likely be different if you have installed this with npm. You will need to copy the correct version of mumps.node for your system architecture and version of Node.js, to ~/nodem/lib/mumps.node. The mumps.node pre-built modules, which you will find in ~/nodem/lib/, are named for the version of Node.js that they support, mumps10 for Node.js version 0.10.x, and mumps8 for Node.js version 0.8.x (and 0.6.x). Each module will also end in _x8664 for 64-bit, or _i686 for 32-bit systems. By default there is a mumps.node already there, which is a copy of the 64-bit version for Node.js version 0.8.x (and 0.6.x). It is important to realize that the addon will not function unless it is called mumps.node, and a symbolic link won't work. E.g.

$ cd ~/nodem/lib
$ cp mumps10.node_x8664 mumps.node
$ cd -

You will also have to move a copy of libgtmshr.so (GT.M shared runtime library) into a directory that will be searched by the dynamic linker/loader when mumps.node is loaded at runtime, if it isn't already located in one. You will find libgtmshr.so bundled with GT.M wherever you have installed it. There are a couple of things you can do at this point. You can move libgtmshr.so to a standard directory that is searched by the loader, such as /usr/lib/, or on some systems, /usr/local/lib/. Then you will have to run ldconfig as root to rebuild the linker's cache. You could also create a symbolic link to it if you choose. E.g.

$ sudo -i
# cd /usr/local/lib
# ln -s /opt/lsb-gtm/6.0-001_x8664/libgtmshr.so
# ldconfig
# exit

You may have to add the /usr/local/lib/ directory to /etc/ld.so.conf or create an /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf file and add it there, and then run ldconfig as root. If you go this route, you should consider giving the library a real linker name and soname link, based on its version. Instead, you can avoid having to copy or link to the library by setting the environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, to point to it, as the loader will search there first. It is usually advisable not to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH into your environment, so you might want to define it right before calling node. E.g.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${gtm_dist} node
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${gtm_dist} node test

As you can see though, that is more of a pain. If you happen to have installed GT.M where I have, in /opt/lsb-gtm/6.0-001_x8664/, then you don't have to do anything. There is an embedded rpath in the pre-built modules, so the loader will also check in that directory.

In addition you will need to set a few environment variables in order for GT.M to find the call-in table and the MUMPS routine that it maps to. The Nodem package supplies a sample environment file, called environ. It has a commented out command to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $gtm_dist, which you will need to uncomment if you need it. It is located in ~/nodem/resources/ and can simply be sourced into your working environment, either directly, or from your own environment scripts or profile script. E.g.

$ cd ~/nodem/resources
$ source environ
$ echo "source ~/nodem/resources/environ" >> ~/.profile

If you did not install Nodem in your home directory, you will need to fix the paths in the environ file. If you don't source the environ file, than you will need to put a copy of node.m into a directory that is specified in your $gtmroutines routine path, so that the GT.M shared library can find it. It is located in the ~/nodem/resources/ directory. Again, if you don't source the environ file, than you will need to define the GTMCI environment variable, and point it at the file calltab.ci, located in the ~/nodem/resources/ directory. E.g.

$ export GTMCI=~/nodem/resources/calltab.ci

You can clone the repository with this command..

$ git clone git://github.com/dlwicksell/nodem.git

You can also install it via npm with this command..

$ npm install nodem

I hope you enjoy the Nodem package. If you have any questions, feature requests, or bugs to report, please contact David Wicksell dlw@linux.com

See Also

  • The GT.M implementation of MUMPS.


  • about version - Display version information
  • close - Close the database
  • data - Call the $DATA intrinsic function
  • function - Call an extrinisic function
  • get - Call the $GET intrinsic function
  • global_directory - List the names of the globals in the database
  • increment - Call the $INCREMENT intrinsic function
  • kill - Delete a global node, and all of its children
  • lock - Not yet implemented
  • merge - Not yet implemented
  • next order - Call the $ORDER intrinsic function
  • next_node - Not yet implemented
  • open - Open the database
  • previous - Call the $ORDER intrinsic function in reverse
  • previous_node - Not yet implemented
  • retrieve - Not yet implemented
  • set - Set a global node to a new value
  • unlock - Not yet implemented
  • update - Not yet implemented

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