#Mate Previous and Next This module provides two functions to help to get the previous and next node of a given node. This will help to provide navigation links for your site on each node. ### Programatically You have these two functions ```php mate_prev_next_get_next($nid, $type); ``` and ```php mate_prev_next_get_prev($nid, $type); ``` Where $nid = Node ID $type = Name of the content type, e.g. page, blog, news, etc. Type is optional, if is set will get prev and next nodes only from the same content type. If is not set will get nodes from any content type. ### Helper Block This module provides a default block to get prev and next links without code, will get next and prev of any content type. You can customize this template adding your own css or overriding the template in your local theme. ### More info Visit module page in Drupal.org https://www.drupal.org/sandbox/casivaagustin/2452411
Drupal Module with Functions that helps to get the next and prev nodes