{{tag>news feature member publication}} ~~Title: Website ~~ ~~NOTOC~~ <slide> {{:site:background.png?nolink|}} </slide> <grid> <col lg="6" md="12"> ===== About ===== You have reached the main website of the Corinthian Abstract State Machine (CASM, pronounced [si:eɪ:es:em:]) project and organization! We use this website to publish and describe details about the CASM project, which is hosted on [[https://github.com/casm-lang|GitHub]]. CASM is still in a very early stage but you already can follow our updates on Twitter which are directly rendered as our [[:#news|News]] section. <callout title="Specification Language"> The **casm** project consists of its own ASM [[language]] dialect which represents another concrete ASM language form just like other ASM languages e.g. CoreASM, AsmL, or AsmetaL. Check out our [[language]] and [[syntax]]. </callout> <callout title="Interpreter Application"> We feature a CASM language interpreter called **casmi**, which performs a AST-based numeric execution and simulates the input specification accordingly to the ASM theory. Check out the current release in the [[download]] section. </callout> <callout title="Language Server Support"> In our CASM language server daemon application called **casmd**, we implement the Language Server Protocol (LSP) to provide CASM language specific support to editor environments (LSP clients) like **monaco** or **vscode**. </callout> </col> <col lg="6" md="12"> ===== News ===== <html> <div style="text-align: center;"> <meta name="twitter:dnt" content="on"> <a class="twitter-timeline" data-dnt="true" data-theme="light" data-width="520" data-height="520" data-chrome="noheader nofooter transparent noscrollbar" href="https://twitter.com/casm_lang">Tweets by @casm_lang </a> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> </html> </col> </grid> <col lg="12" md="12"> ===== Members ===== Find out more about our CASM [[members]]: <grid> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:ppaulweber&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:epescosta&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:fhahn&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:rlezuo&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> </grid> <grid> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:uzdun&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:gsimhandl&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:akrall&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> <col xs="12" md="3">{{page>member:gbarany&noindent&nofooter&firstseconly}}</col> </grid> </col> <grid> <col lg="6" md="12"> ===== Publications ===== Check out the latest CASM [[publications]]: {{tagtopic>paper&noindent&noheader&nofooter&firstseconly&rsort}} </col> <col lg="6" md="12"> ===== Presenations ===== Check out the latest CASM conference, workshop, or event [[publications#Conference_Workshop_or_Event_Presentations|presentations]]: {{tagtopic>talk&noindent&noheader&nofooter&firstseconly&rsort}} </col> </grid>