Makes our own printf function for holberton.
The objective is make a function than emulates the original function of printf,according this goal, we follow the instructions for the excersice.
We create two functions to manage chars and strings, and we usa % like format specification. Attending our objective, we write a function that produces a output according to a format, where the prototype is : int printf(const char *format, ...);.
The function returns, the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings) we made function write output to stdout, the format is a character string and the format string is composed of zero or more directives.
functions handle the following conversion specifiers: c, s, %, d, i. where c are char , s are strings, % is the format specification, d are decimal and i are integers.
In _printf.c we check the existence of the format variable, in case of error function return -1. if format exists the function checks every character for the presence of % marker and its corresponding option, if it found an option then it calls to a print function associated with that structure index. if there is no match, function prints the characters.
in funchar.c we have the logic for the function struct , there we can found print _s, print_c, print_d and convert_d functions. this function are executed depends the input received for the struct.
finally in main.h we have the prototypes functions.