
Django Web Template. A Mini Uber System with Multiple Roles.

Primary LanguageHTML

Django Web-App

Duke ECE 568: Engineering Robust Server Software HW1. It can be used as a template for Django web project.

⛳ This web-app assembles Uber, which lets users request, drive for, and join rides. It has three roles: Passenger, Driver, and Manager. The functionalities include:

  • Create Account
  • Login/Logout
  • Driver Registration
  • Ride Selection
  • Ride Requesting
  • Ride Request Editing (Owner)
  • Ride Request Viewing (Owner / Sharer)
  • Ride Status Viewing (Driver)
  • Ride Searching (Driver)
  • Ride Searching (Sharer) (⚠Not yet implemented!)
  • And some other unlist features...

🆒 See all Demos here.

Before All

🚫 This is my first Django project, and just for learning purpose, I did not correctly use the Django Authentication feature. I store all passwords in PLAIN TEXT. Please fix it yourself in world/models.py:

user = self.model(


1. Prerequisites

Install following packages and dependencies in order:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make valgrind
sudo apt-get install emacs screen
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo apt-get install python python3-pip
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
sudo pip3 install django psycopg2 

Test your Django version:

$ django-admin --version

You need Django>4.0 for some new features in Django. Then install these libraries:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libxerces-c-dev libpqxx-dev
sudo apt-get install manpages-posix-dev

2. Clone Project

Git clone my repository:

git clone https://github.com/0HugoHu/Django-web-app.git

Install all project-specific requirements:

cd Django-web-app/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3. Configure Local Database

Setup your local postgresql database:

sudo su - postgres

Create a user, for convenience, I suggest you to choose the name of your linux logged-in username (e.g., abc@dce:~$: then choose abc as your name):

ALTER USER abc CREATEDB WITH PASSWORD '$PWD'; ## replace $PWD with your password
--  exit postgres (by pressing Ctrl+D)
--  exit the su'ed shell
createdb $nameOfDB # replace $nameOfDB with a meaningful name for your project

4. Configure APIs and Local Variables

Edit project setting file:

cd ridesharing
emacs settings.py # or use any editor you want

If you want to use docker and deploy this project on web services (e.g., AWS EC2 or AWS ECR), add '*' to allow all hosts:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', '*',]

Change your default database to postgresql:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': '$nameOfDB',
        'USER': '$USER',
        'PASSWORD': '$PWD',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432',
# replace $nameOfDB with your database name, 
# $USER with your username, 
# and $PWD with your password

Change your timezone if you are not in Eastern Standard Time:

TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York'

Configure email sending service API. I'm using the SendGrid API: SendGrid.com

You must first register your personal information on that website, and bind your sender email address. Then use the API Key generator to get your own $KEY. This step is very time-consuming, please refer to other tutorials for help.

EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.sendgrid.net'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'apikey'  # this is exactly the value 'apikey'

Add your sender email address:

# The email you'll be sending emails from
# replace $EMAIL with your registered and confirmed email address

Run the Server

1. Database Model Integrations

Django will automatically create the new table for you based on the world/models.py file. Apply this creation by:

python3 manage.py makemigrations
# or try with python3 manage.py makemigrations ridesharing
# and python3 manage.py makemigrations world
python3 manage.py migrate

🟥 If you have any problems creating the tables, you can do it manually by:

python3 manage.py sqlmigrate world 0001

This will generate Postgresql schema, e.g.:

## Create model Question
CREATE TABLE "polls_question" (
    "question_text" varchar(200) NOT NULL,
    "pub_date" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL


Copy and execute this schema in psql, and you can check your database by (Remember you must start your postgresql service first):

\l ## to list all databases
\c user_info ## switch to your database
\dt ## show all tables
SELECT * from world_user; ## see all records in world_user table
q ## quit

2. Start Postgresql Service

sudo service postgresql start

3. Run Your Website Locally

python3 manage.py runserver 0:8080

💠 Now enjoy this project!


1. Register

2. Login

3. Home Page

4. Search

5. Edit Profile

6. Edit Vehicle Info

7. View My Ride

8. Search for Ride (Driver)

9. View Ride

10. Emails (OTP and Ride Confirmation)


🔱 Developed by Hugo.

Since I didn't really enroll in this course, this project is only used for self-learning. Some of this project requirements are meaningless and time-consuming for me, so I have not implemented (or just leave the interface) yet.

Due to the limited time, I did not clean up the code. I would be glad if someone can further improve this project

📧 If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through: