High-res tab-line icons


Copy image files to image-load-path

git clone https://github.com/casouri/highres-tab-line.git
cd highres-tab-line
mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/etc/images/
cp *.xpm ~/.emacs.d/etc/images
(push "~/.emacs.d/etc/images/" image-load-path)


Update relevant variables. The difference is in the file name and scale.

(setq tab-line-new-button
      (propertize " + "
                  'display `(image :type xpm
                                   :file ,(image-search-load-path
                                   :margin (2 . 0)
                                   :ascent center
                                   :scale 0.5)
                  'keymap tab-line-add-map
                  'mouse-face 'tab-line-highlight
                  'help-echo "Click to add tab"))

(setq tab-line-close-button
      (propertize " x"
                  'display `(image :type xpm
                                   :file ,(image-search-load-path
                                   :margin (2 . 0)
                                   :ascent center
                                   :scale 0.5)
                  'keymap tab-line-tab-close-map
                  'mouse-face 'tab-line-close-highlight
                  'help-echo "Click to close tab"))

(setq tab-line-left-button
      (propertize " <"
                  'display `(image :type xpm
                                   :file ,(image-search-load-path
                                   :margin (2 . 0)
                                   :ascent center
                                   :scale 0.5)
                  'keymap tab-line-left-map
                  'mouse-face 'tab-line-highlight
                  'help-echo "Click to scroll left"))

(setq tab-line-right-button
      (propertize "> "
                  'display `(image :type xpm
                                   :file ,(image-search-load-path
                                   :margin (2 . 0)
                                   :ascent center
                                   :scale 0.5)
                  'keymap tab-line-right-map
                  'mouse-face 'tab-line-highlight
                  'help-echo "Click to scroll right"))


This adds padding around buffer names in the tab.

(setq tab-line-tab-name-function
      (lambda (buffer &optional _)
        (format " %s " (buffer-name buffer))))