
CSE 223B class project

Primary LanguageTeX

Setup environment

If you are on a Mac, install FUSE from https://osxfuse.github.io. Then do the following:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/fuse.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/osxfuse.pc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"

Now you can run cargo check and it won’t complain not being able to find osxfuse.pc.

Test the local vault

The executable takes a single argument, the configuration file. The configuration file (a JSON file) should look something like this:

  "my_address": "",
  "peers": {},
  "mount_point": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/mount",
  "db_path": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/db",
  "local_vault_name": "pandora",
  "caching": false,
  "share_local_vault": false,
  "allow_disconnected_delete": false,
  "allow_disconnected_create": false,
  "background_update_interval": 3

"my_address" and "peers" is not yet used, "mount_point" is where you want to mount the file system. "db_path" is a directory that contains all the cache and database, obviously it shouldn’t be under the mount point. "local_vault_name" is just what it is, the name of the local vault.

Run the file system like this:

cargo run -- -c /path/to/config.json

where config.json is the configuration file. To enable logging, set RUST_LOG. For example,

RUST_LOG="warn,monovault::fuse=info" cargo run -- -c /path/to/config.json

This should log all the calls made by FUSE.

To stop the file system, just manually unmount the filesystem. To unmount (on mac):

umount -f /path/to/mount/point

Test the remote vault (with no caching)

Now we run two instances of monovault locally. Instance A:

  "my_address": "",
  "peers": {
    "moon": ""
  "mount_point": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/mount",
  "db_path": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/db",
  "local_vault_name": "pandora",
  "caching": false,
  "share_local_vault": true,
  "allow_disconnected_delete": false,
  "allow_disconnected_create": false,
  "background_update_interval": 3

Run by

cargo run -- -c /path/to/config.json

Instance B:

  "my_address": "",
  "peers": {
    "pandora": ""
  "mount_point": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/mount2",
  "db_path": "/Users/yuan/p/cse223/monovault/db2",
  "local_vault_name": "moon",
  "caching": false,
  "share_local_vault": true,
  "allow_disconnected_delete": false,
  "allow_disconnected_create": false,
  "background_update_interval": 3
cargo run -- -c /path/to/config2.json

Test caching

If caching is enabled, the filesystem downloads the file from remote when opening the file and reads and writes to the local copy, only resyncing to the remote when closing the file. To enable cache, set "caching" to true.