This is a microservices chassis for building applications with JEE8/MicroProfile/Docker, based on Quarkus. Datasource and database-specific migration scripts can be selected by specifying a configuration profile. Unit-integration tests are ran against an H2 in-memory database. A Docker compose example demonstrates integration with an Oracle database and Prometheus for monitoring.
- RedHat UBI8 minimal base image with OpenJDK JRE11
- Docker container built via Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin
entrypoint for JVM tuning and running Java apps in Docker - Maven parent POM (centralized dependencies)
- Git-commit-id-plugin for runtime application identification (in addition to Maven coordinates)
- Lombok (add plugin to your IDE)
- MapStruct for mapping between domain values and DTOs (add plugin to your IDE)
- JAX-RS resources with OpenAPI annotations
- Swagger UI
- Bean Validation of DTOs
- JPA with transactions
- Datasource for H2 (dev/test) and Oracle (prod)
- Flyway database migrations (dependent on selected database)
- MicroProfile Config configuration
- MicroProfile Health Extensions for JVM metrics and system health
- JUnit5 unit testing
- AssertJ fluent tests
- RestAssured unit tests for JAX-RS endpoints
- ArchUnit architecture tests (Onion Architecture)
- Health: http://localhost:8080/health
- Metrics: http://localhost:8080/metrics
- OpenAPI: http://localhost:8080/openapi
MicroProfile Extension UIs:
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/
- Ping http://localhost:8080/api/ping
- Version infohttp://localhost:8080/api/info
- CRUD resource example: http://localhost:8080/api/documents
Build and test the application with
$ mvn verify
The Maven build uses a parent POM for dependency management and shared build configuration.
Database drivers for H2 and Oracle are included via Maven profiles (h2
and oracle
These profiles are activated by default and need to be specified explicitly when specifying other profiles.
Go to the directory quarkus-example-app
for running the application from Maven
in development mode (dev
profile) with an embedded H2 database:
To run the application from Maven in dev mode with embedded H2 database:
$ mvn quarkus:dev
Create a Run Configuration as follows:
- Select Run > Edit Configurations...
- Select Add New Configuration (
) > Maven - Name:
quarkus-example-app [quarkus:dev]
- Parameters:
- Working directory:
- Command line:
- Working directory:
- General:
- Maven home directory: Maven 3.6.2 or higher
From IntelliJ:
- Start the Run Configuration in debug mode
- Select Run > Attach to Process...
- Select the Java process listening at port 5005
environment variable can also be defined in the Docker environment to enable debugging
without altering the container image.
The example application uses an Oracle database as default datasource. See here for running an Oracle database as Docker container. To run the application from the command line with an Oracle datasource:
$ export QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1
$ java -jar target/quarkus-example-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
Check the application health with httpie
$ http :8080/health
Explore the API:
$ http :8080/openapi
Add a document:
$ http POST :8080/api/documents name=foo
Retrieve all documents:
$ http :8080/api/documents
The application uses Flyway to migrate the database to the required schema version at startup. It is also possible to test database migrations via the Flyway Maven plugin.
Apply migrations:
$ mvn flyway:migrate -Poracle
Clean database:
$ mvn flyway:clean -Poracle
The quarkus-docker
module defines Docker base images for running JVM and native applications.
These base images need to be built once, before building the quarkus-example-app
Go to this directory and build the Docker base images with:
$ export QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//$(hostname):1521/ORCLPDB1
$ mvn package -Pdocker
Go to the directory quarkus-example-app
. Build the Docker image as follows:
$ mvn package -Pdocker,oracle
Run the application in Docker from Maven:
$ mvn docker:run -Pdocker
To run the application in Docker from the command-line:
$ export QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//$(hostname):1521/ORCLPDB1
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL=${QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL} quarkus/quarkus-example-app
The directory docker-compose contains a Docker Compose configuration to run a containerized application and Oracle database.
First build an Oracle container image as described in For Oracle Database 19.3.0 Enterprise Edition this involves the following steps:
- Place
. - Go to
and -v 19.3.0 -e
Go to directory quarkus-example-app
and build the application image:
$ mvn package -Pdocker,oracle
Go to the directory docker-compose
. First start the database container:
$ docker-compose up -d oracledb
$ docker-compose logs -f oracledb
Follow the log file and wait until the database is ready to use.
When the database is ready start the application container:
$ docker-compose up -d example-app
$ docker-compose logs -f example-app
Install GraalVM. Om Mac with MacPorts installed:
$ sudo port install openjdk11-graalvm
$ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk11-graalvm/Contents/Home
$ sudo $JAVA_HOME/bin/gu install native-image
TODO: add supported database
$ mvn package -Pnative
Quarkus does not support native executables with the Oracle JDBC driver. See here.
- MicroProfile Config
- MicroProfile Health
- MicroProfile JWT
- MicroProfile Metrics
- MicroProfile Rest Client
- MicroProfile OpenAPI
- MicroProfile Extensions
Java in Docker: