
Emacs mode for editing mCRL2 and MCF files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Mode for mCRL2

This repository contains a rudimentary Emacs mode for mCRL2.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Keybindings for mcrl22lps, lps2lts, ltsgraph, ltssim, lps2pbes, and pbes2bool (see documentation of keybindings below)


To install the mode, clone this repository into your ~/.emacs.d folder, and add these lines to your Emacs configuration (e.g., ~/.emacs.d/init.el):

(load-file "~/.emacs.d/mcrl2-mode/mcrl2-mode.el")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mcrl2\\'" . mcrl2-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mcf\\'" . mcf-mode))

Key Bindings

The mCRL2-mode contains key bindings for compiling and visualizing mCRL2 files:

Key binding Description
C-c C-l Calls mcrl22lps. If the current file is foo.mcrl2, this keybinding compiles foo.mcrl2 to foo.mcrl2.lps.
C-c C-t Calls lps2lts. If the current file is foo.mcrl2, this keybinding compiles foo.mcrl2.lps to foo.mcrl2.lts.
C-c C-g Calls ltsgraph. If the current file is foo.mcrl2, this keybinding displays the transition system graph for foo.mcrl2.lts.
C-c C-s Calls lpssim. If the current file is foo.mcrl2, this keybinding simulates foo.mcrl2.lps.

The mCF-mode contains key bindings for compiling and verifying mCF files.

Key binding Description
C-c C-p Calls lps2pbes and queries the user for a .lps file name. If the current file is bar.mcf, this keybinding compiles bar.mcf.pbes.
C-c C-s Calls pbessolve. If the current file is bar.mcf, this keybinding verifies the equations in bar.mcf.pbes.