Project Name: 'Project Y',

Date Created: '2020-15-10',


Gain experience and prove to myself I can design an Ecommerce website. To add a Dark Mode To Nike . com Authorization Framework F L U X architecture for UI Stripes API Integration MongoDB Seeding File and random product Generation Dynamic

What I Learned:

CSS and Sass is such a huge amount of time, it really has the potential to take away from programming the application. Design is not easy and Frontend Designers deserve all the pay they can get. It seems easy, but I will always do my part in paying homage to front end designers.

I have also written Database seeding scripts before, and the seed script for Project Y had interesting differences compared to the ones before. The seed script for this project was far more in depth and had dynamic seeding, instead of dummy seeding.


Gain some experience with a Ecommerce Store, Hone my expertise with CSS/SASS, Work with Stripe, Itch the urge to start an Ecomerce site, and just build something to impress others as well as myself.


Sheer Volume of Work to get an initial design was far more than I anticipated. It forced my to lower what I could deliver functionally, but that is all well and fine in my opinion.


I accomplished alot for working from scratch and from working alone. Was able to show my family the project and convince them it was a working website.

Starting Materials:

Nothing. I started from scratch.

Technologies Used:

Next.js, Vercel Stripe, Sass, Stiches


It is not perfect, but I am at a point where I am proud of the work and am excited to see how it will evolve over the weeks, months, years ahead.


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